Dear Perceptive Readers;

James PoeArtistry The Economy

I realize the importance of a person being well in health, mind, and spirit.
The economical state of the world is one that is still alive. Truckers and farmers should have low gas and oil prices.
You take care of the above, and it’s no reason why food prices, etc should be this high. Have you gone into 7-Eleven recently? Healthy Drinks I used to purchase for 99 cents are now over two and three dollars. Reminds me of a song.
7- Eleven We Still Love You

Perceptive Readers; I would love for you to place your comments when you do share this link on your social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
What are the gas and oil prices in your general area convenience stores like 7-eleven?
Have a Wonderful Day

1 Timothy 5:18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.”

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