James Lynch Jr
Creator and Podcaster
Buy Me a Coffee
For Tips and Wages

Dear Perceptive Reader, this is by no means the final draft form of these commentaries from the author James Lynch.

They are beautiful and fascinating creatures.
Horses. It takes a certain type of spirit to have a friendship with a horse.
The emphasis is on friendship with a horse.
Though they are of the animal kingdom, it does not mean if you are good with hamsters, or smaller and domesticated animals that you will have synergy with a horse.

James Poeartistry
Perceptive Reader Important Memo
A)I realize some may just want to ask a question at my “Buymeacoffee/JamesPoeartistry”

Recommended Favorites: The Bluegold Iron

People love gardens as one seem more beautiful than the next.
If this is truly possible among the artists in the fields of the earth?
These caretakers of the land are known as farmers with golden rows of wheat.
Where oh where did the bountiful produce come from in the world?
There is a garden I know of such splendor that it is called God’s Garden
Originality with the thoughts of feminine qualities in the highest form here on earth.
From the Eden or Eve of God all vegetation sprang forth! Clear springs of water carried her seeds and nutrients. selah continue

The Sage Horse Stable 1

The Sage Horse Stable 2 – More Than an Automobile

The Sage Horse Stable 3 – Thailand Beauty

The Sage Horse Stable 4

The Sage Horse Stable 5

The Sage Horse Stable 6

The Sage Horse Stable 7 – A Bit of History


Eden went into a long slumber prepared especially for her. Sealed and protected from a society that would no longer appreciate her — at least in full brilliance.

Before she went to sleep; she was given the assurance; “I will awaken you again.”

Eden, your produce and beauty will restore and give even more from your garden. My Garden. Your Husbandly Owner; God’s Garden. — By Author James Lynch (James PoeArtistry)

5 The Sage Relaxing Sips Headquarters “When Gifts are Given Freely, then the Receiver and the Giver both Benefit” – Author James Lynch Jr.

“Life is worth living. Everyday morning prayers and affirmations remind us of this fact ” – The Sage By James Lynch

For You Perceptive Readers! Here is a Special Shout-out

Heart Ruling the Mind Author James Lynch November 2012 – James PoeArtistry Consultant

When the heart rules the cerebellum,
you may not know where it will lead you.
The heave of emotions can actually distort what is true.
In order to gain the greatest joy it can impart,
The brain must have good things to feed the heart.
Let there be a balance between thinking ability and motivation,
And you will see all your dreams reach their greatest aspirations.

Thank you to the Most High For Inspiring my imagination the same way our parents teach or taught us. My Best Regards, James

Please ask all your starting questions here on Minds.com/JamesPoeArtistry

“Knowledge Is” By Author James Lynch – James PoeArtistry Productions Consultant

Knowledge is like a cold ripen perfectly watermelon on a hot day

Knowledge is like every tasty vegetable, from the tangy to the sweet

Knowledge is like the finest wine aged to perfection

Knowledge, certain kinds, can also be like moonshine, meaning you have to be at an aged maturity and strength to handle such, YES, Such Power; if at all

Knowledge is the sun in all its masculine light

Knowledge is the moon who uses the sun’s rays perfectly to help all her children

However, knowledge in its zenith degree is the True God Himself. He created all of the above.

James PoeArtistry

G’day Perceptive Readers. Here is the location and more information on The Sage Relaxing Sips Digital Books Series on Amazon.com

“I am happy to share with you these categories of lighthearted humor, mind contemplation, spirituality, and poetry in The Sage — Relaxing Sips digital books.
Well, Perceptive Readers and listeners, in this book you will enjoy these expressions and mental sips of intellectual beverages into all areas of human life in time space!” – James Lynch

Symphony By Author James Lynch November 2012

The violin played as the crescendo went higher.

The horns joined in with more power!

The flutes and the piano added their sounds to the musical score.

The birds possessing such beauty of song

chimed in to add more.

The maestro started bringing the marvelous music to a close.

The one person in the audience stood up, clapped his hands,

and shouted bravo!

XI My Official Cash App
Thank you for any generous tips and coffee donations you feel moved from the heart to give me. Best Wishes, James Lynch

(Matthew 7:2) For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Jesus Protects Women From Being Stoned To Death | The Passion Of The Christ Scene 4K

(ACTS 20:35-36) I have shown you in all things that by working hard in this way we must help the weak, remembering the words that the Lord Jesus himself said, ‘There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.’ ” When Paul finished, he knelt down with them and prayed.

A Child with No Name

Honor Creates Wealth My Official CashApp

“Laura and Almanzo welcome their second child, a baby boy. They are undecided as far as names go, and Doc Baker examines the child to make sure he’s in the best of health. But one fateful morning, the Wilders awaken to find their new baby deceased. Right away, a dumbfounded Laura places blame squarely on Doc Baker, whose business starts to wane” – What does this show you? Episode 918 A Child With No Name

“Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Episode 6 Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach ” www.tvfanatic.com/2022/06/star-trek-strange-new-worlds-season-1-episode-6-review-lift-us-w/

The cash.app/$Poeartistry Official for James Lynch COFFEE TIPS: my official Cash App

Perceptive Readers continue learning new ideas, hobbies, art , etc Every Day. I’ve been doing the same, kind regards, James

XII Earth Beautiful
Dear Readers, I hope you will take the time to visit www.minds.com/jamespoeartistry/ Ask a question if you have one. Thank you, James
“Masterpiece referred to a piece of work produced by an apprentice or journeyman aspiring to become a master craftsman in the old European guild system” -Wikipedia

MANY Thoughts

October 10, There is a new page Honor Creates Wealth.

August 30 Have you ever view watches as a necessity? When talk about watches, they have more meaning than even time.

August The next time you happen to pass by a farmer will you ask him or her why they enjoy the life? In the Product of Culture stories and features over the years, we shared some gems of (thier (their) life. Well, dear Perceptive Readers, for this Sages Academic Year, we will continue the same. How do you like the new huzzaz sidebar feature? The Calendar link for the James PoeArtistry website is also placed there. You may want to subscribe for interesting thoughts and activities by the Classes of 2024 as they march towards graduation with the best academic grades ever! There will be many other selections as well pertaining to the website.

August Perceptive Readers, I’ve been enjoying your creations and talents all this time. Here is a LIKE for your thumbs up button.

August 23 Do you have a special poem created by you? Seriously, if you thought it up and wrote it down, be sure to sign your name. If you want it featured on the James PoeArtistry Website, then inquire about it here minds.com/JamesPoeartistry

XVI Thank You For The Interest Perceptive Readers; I still Pray for God’s Miracle each day. Remember, there is no contingency, the heart and the need reveals all to God. He may be moved to act. The Grand Author. My Name is James and I have not changed. I love the “Fruitage of The Spirit” and yet the fire of the human experience brings out additional hierarchical sides at times.



I have some idea of what Gene Roddenberry must of felt like; Best Regards, James L.

I still place Marvel comics artwork here though out the months and years. There are so many interesting story lines I still remember from a lad. Stan Lee enjoyed a life he created; and he enjoyed sharing it with others. May we never forget him Perceptive Readers. Have you listened to my Stan Lee commentaries on the James Poeartistry Platforms?

XVII Take a Trip Down Memory Lane In James Poeartistry there is an appreciation for the coffee and wine conversations that have represented the readers and listeners. It’s not always about knowing everything. Or how to fix this or that when it comes to personal art. It’s at times an appreciation for who this artist or the personality of the one is showing you from their heart. Yeah, that may have sounded like a loaded statement; and yet, this is what James Poeartistry intimates from such settings, and quite a bit more. Best wishes to all who visits this page. Sometimes, when you fight for others, you are fighting for yourself… So you don’t lose your humanity or spirituality — Think about it. The Sage
Best Regards, James Lynch (Page)

XVIII We Are Somebody You Are Somebody A person may be modest; and yet that person still is somebody!

Every day I thank God for his Goodness.
And of course many other things on my mind.
I also look to the Grand Creator to be generous in his wisdom.
Oh Jehovah your mighty hand can make the rivers of flow

James PoeArtistry Consultant: “Your Interests are Appreciated” – The Sage

You do what you feel you need to do even though some won’t appreciate your Upright reasons for doing it. – The Sage By James

What has The Grand Creator shown me? That His mercy and patience is beyond a level that even the most loving mothers on Mother’s day continue to say, ” Let us thank our Heavenly Father for this meal.”


Feel free to ask questions through my cashapp cash.app/$Poeartistry or e-mail jamespoeartistry@gmail.com Kind regards James Lynch

I believe there is greater benefit in saying you love a person’s craft or what have you, than being silent to the point where a person no longer knows where they stand with you or others.

February Wonderful 4 Picks Today

Natural Artists and Writers See Profile
See Also the James PoeArtistry article on AI or Natural Writing. Kind regards, James


Helping Humanity and Promoting Honor

Equestrian Styles and their companion of graceful life!