Dear Perceptive Readers, I’m glad you are able to enjoy the art form of dance as well as I. What would musicals be without them? It’s interesting to note they are both enjoyable; yet, a word to the wise; any theater mass production run-time longer than an hour enhances the performance that much more with ensemble dance before the intermission.
It hits the spot every single time.
It is my pleasure to share heavenly forms of dance with you right now through these two selections. The selection number two has a podcast commentary that accompanies it. Have a wonderful day!
A James PoeArtistry Perceptive Readers Heavenly Dance Pick:
Performing arts
Written by Judith R. Mackrell
Summary: “dance, the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself.”
A James PoeArtistry Perceptive Readers Heavenly Dance Pick II:
Be Transported to This is a Heavenly Dance – This video share on Tumble causes me to think about all the majesty they hold and to the praise of the Grand Creator himself.
James PoeArtistry Post: https://jameslynch8571.local/a-heavenly-experience-culture-dance-beautiful/
James PoeArtistry Commentary: https://jameslynch8571.local/a-heavenly-experience-culture-dance-beautiful/