James Poeartistry

Hello, Perceptive Reader; Here the excerpt from the Wisdom Letter February 2025 book. New Reading revealed on

My Dark Academia Library

“What a beautiful day to be alive and it can only get better!”

Over the phone, The Sage’s radiant smile was quite evident to me.

“Breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Wait a minute; it’s too late for breakfast — What was I saying?”

“It has to be a late evening one today” as if the majority of our meals were not late evening I thought as The Sage replied to my question.


The reader for this audiobook has a slight twang in his reading style…  I came to a fork in the road.

I took the one to this side, or maybe he contemplated North or South is there a difference between the left or right? Once I took this path, it made all the difference.

I turned my car player volume a notch higher to listen as I drove to the restaurant.

 Such a realization has been used to encourage us all to make needed decisions for our life.

When it comes to spirituality, people are encouraged to not look backwards. Like a plow through dirt, we continue moving forward and straight ahead as well. When something is important you should put your all, and best foot forward while staying focused. 

 Now, Theodor Seuss Geisel aka Dr. Seuss…

Did he just say Dr. Seuss? My My I thought

Dr. Seuss, also in one of his poems, talked about a zode.

Theodor Seuss Geisel had a way with creating names, didn’t he? Names, that to this day, you won’t even find in the dictionaries. Yet, all the same, when you see these cartoon caricatures, there’s some funny looking animals and creatures that he gave names.

Dr. Seuss shared a poetic thought about the zode. This zode came to a split in the road. The zode spent hours upon hours deciding whether to go left; or to go right. And in the end, the zode just didn’t make any decision at all; you see?

The zone weighed many pros and the cons.  If I go to this way, I got this, and the other way, that. The zode also considered the weather may be fine; then again the weather may be bad

The land may be too difficult to traverse.

I imagined the narrator was about to make his crescendo point

The take away from all these examples are:

Life is filled with hills and valleys

You can contemplate whether your glass is half full or half empty.

Sometimes you have no choices at all it seems and yet you still need to make a decision.

Arriving at the restaurant; this one was part of a corporate headquarters. Where does he find these places? I turned off the Audiobook to concentrate on the parking spaces in the several levels of the garage.

The Dinning Hall

“What is the celebration sir?”

Here was a room with eight round tables, and yet, we were the only two people right smack in the middle. You just couldn’t help but notice the symmetry of it all.

The Sage reached into his left jacket pocket. We both wore the same brand jackets. Leather; but not designer signed. All the same both our jackets were worth over a buck-fifty.

“ I didn’t want to irritate anyone sinuses”

He held out an imported cigar to me.

“I do not want to take it out the sealed container.”

“Go ahead; enjoy yourself! It is not just an average week for me. Whenever you accomplish a milestone take some moments to enjoy it.”

This is certainly The Sage’s motto. He would never allow life to get so busy that he couldn’t take the time to appreciate it.

“I already took the time and ordered your favorites.”

“Lord have mercy; no you didn’t?”

“Yes, I did.”

This meant blackened seafood from crabs, fish; and lobster drenched in garlic butter.

As the smile on my face started beaming… “ Light up that cigar man; don’t have me enjoying this room by myself.”

Right after I broke the seal on the container a woman walked in with a small briefcase. She was an exotic European  woman wearing black pomps; blue jeans with perfect creases starting from her knees to just below her angles. Maybe the cigar was about to drop out of my mouth; because she spoke to The Sage — “May I?” Then she gently took the cigar out of his hand and walked over to me — “ e tu’ “ and took the cigar out of my in shock mouth; while she used The Sage’s cigar to light it in her mouth. Then she placed the cigar right back in my mouth. I now noticed that her red wool shirt possessed streaks of silk that shimmered with her rotations. Who in the world made this garment; I thought for a split second. 

I looked at The Sage and could also see he was getting a kick out of watching me being mesmerized by this regular carrier of the corporate world.  He went on to open the briefcase to inspect the merchandise. It was an import ____________. He then signed for it.

“Thank you. Is there anything else?”

Now I started studying him to see what he would say. 

Oh, another year of strength and good health.  

She smiled and said “Enjoy the evening.” 

Then as she proceeded to leave the table she winked at me; or maybe I was dreaming; but no; the wink was unmistakeable. 

It’s hot in here; are you hot?

“Lol” The Sage laughed at me “I will get the servers to turn on the air or you can just take off your jacket now.”

“Good idea”

“ Have some water”

While taking off my jacket; “Do you know her?” 

“She’s been my carrier this past year. At least who they assigned to me.”

“Is that all she is to you?”

“ I’ve been enjoying each year of my life since I can remember. I also plan on living another fifty. A woman like that will take years off your life.”


Let me clarify, “ She would add years and power to a young man like you.”

I took the cigar out of my mouth and looked at it.  “So you want to live forever?”

“When I am ready to go I’m calling her — “

“Do you really mean what you say about her?”

Lol; In heaven or hell, I would be a happy man.” – The Sage

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