Star Trek Tasted Armageddon Journal

This is from A Child’s Vision in Star Trek on Booknet .

From my journal and insight, I figured it would be of interest to you Perceptive Readers to know about this Star Trek Episode A Taste of Armageddon.

When there is a desire to have peaceful co-existence with nature and animals, people come up with a lot of ideas. Have you seen the habitats and sanctuaries built for animals? You certainly have heard of them.

What about in your home and garden grounds? A nicely painted house for the birds. They sing thank you when they leave your home for the winter and return in the spring. Your domesticated dog, and I say this loosely, cat; have comfortable beds in the house or a doghouse in the backyard… Don’t forget their foam mattress for them. We talked about the animals quite a bit here; yet, what about your paintings, pictures, writings, and culture that should never be lost? Your memorabilia from many generations past are all placed nicely in the showcase area for family and friends to see!

When new people arrive it is a museum of sorts that causes them to never forget such an experience!

In the Star Trek episode A Taste of Armageddon, the leaders, scholars, and intellectuals came up with a way to preserve the history, environment, buildings, and culture during times of war. They felt it worked so well that the decisions made to implement such a profoundly obscure view between humanoid life and buildings lasted for hundreds of years.

This is AI and computerize simulation statistics going awry on such a level that the people in these civilized worlds put strong faith in their technology, while human ethical reasoning was lost over the centuries in this decision made law.

Star Trek Tasted Armageddon Commentary By James PoeArtistry Productions

Captain Kirk was even considered to be a barbarian for raising the value of human life and how it needs to be factored in as a strong deterrent for fighting wars in the first place.

The way they were going about the solution to maintaining a solely peaceful environmental atmosphere was greatly unbalanced, and the barbarian Captain Kirk recognized this.

In other words, the people in this civilization valued an expensive painting, transportation systems, buildings, more than the humans that created these items and structures.

Human life was acceptable to lose but not these things.

You will notice how Captain Kirk and his whole crew were triangulated right in the middle of it all. What do you think about how he took care of the dilemma? Do you feel it was a decision that you could have come to terms with as well; hypothetically speaking?

To say the least, notice the arguments both sides were making, see if you would have been on Captain Kirk’s line of reasoning or the administrator of this planet they were sent to set up a peaceful relationship?

Writers and Directors of Note for this episode: Robert Hamner & Gene Roddenberry