The healing and medicinal usages were naturally made according to some poets assessments.
Others come to realize their nurturing qualities do not take away from the strength it takes to move a mountain in faith.
Throughout the epoch in certain pockets of the world they have been mishandled and worshipped in the same century.
This caused their guardians to work in the still of the night; not by choice, but due to the realization some treasures often cannot be spoken about; least it becomes less-valued.
One such guardian silently weeped a small tear drop after The Sage Poet had related to him a tail or two while he stayed at his station.
The Sage noticed the direction of this guardian’s eyes for a split moment.
He looked through the same window that caused the guardian to feel like a prisoner even though he was the one standing outside these beautifully decorated bars of this priceless treasure.
The Sage reached into his sachets pocket and gave the noble guardian a gift:
She is cocoa butter
The guardian took this delicately made ointment and covered over the dry tear that ran down his face.
By James Poeartistry