Thinking Ability in A Prayer Journal
The disciples of Jesus once asked him to teach them how to pray. This is a James PoeArtistry Productions Consultant Moment for you Perceptive Readers.
You have everything you need to be a peaceful human; not only a peaceful human, but a wise one at the same time to fight against strongly spiritual entrenched thoughts; and yes, incorrect teachings.
When directly addressed you spiritually fight against them. Before you prepare to engage any entrenched ideologies, teachings, and disagreements, you make the same request as Jesus’ disciples made of him.
Teach Me How To Pray.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily prayer/daily bread.
Help us to forgive the trespasses of others as we also ask God to forgive our trespasses.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever; Amen.
The prayer above that I recited to you is actually a combination between two or three different expressions from two or three different background experiences. However, the Spirit is all the same. Do you agree?
God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. How is it in heaven? It’s peaceful in heaven. There’s intellectual, if I may use such word, conversation. There’s also creative ability in abundance. You look at the universe, look at the earth, and look at all the creations. All of this came from spirit beings using their minds and powers to create such a physical reality. This is what the future real life will entail. The real life comes about in a peaceful era of love, tenderness, and compassion.
In heaven, no one at this time or in the future is becoming weaker just because God is Good in heaven. No, they’re becoming stronger in their personality attributions, if you will; in showing love, and how having the strength of character to do well. The strength to do what is right as well. Be a warrior in the spirit; not in the carnal, abusive, or dysfunctional ways of hurting people. There are hurtful teachings that are not for everybody’s well-being. So the wise stick with Jesus’ words and motivation of love.
This was the James PoeArtistry Productions Consultant Moment. Have a very beautiful day, Perceptive Readers. Take care