The Good Book Says God is Love. What do you believe?
As long as you can think or reason, then God’s Truth is clear to you.
Then we decide with our heart if we like what was revealed or not.
Kind regards James
When you are searching for God; you find the 2 Greatest Commandments for the Human Race; and the Universal family
If you are not going to make a formal charge ( stand on what you say) against a person who you say is a back bitter, slanderer and a thief against me; then like a MJ may say; he didn’t want to know it.
Just report them to the authorities.
Regards James
Jehovah has behind the scenes kept the world running.
Because the way some intelligence people judge matters certainly would have destroyed the civilization and Needed boundaries beforehand.
I said what I said; Regards James
Psalms 20 Holy Scriptures Reading
Proverbs One 11 to 15 Holy Scriptures
Never Forget The True God
Memo 2171 Higher Thoughts
Jehovah God has taught me about this world more in an FYI way. It has caused me to wonder is this what his servants of the past felt like from the knowledge?
Hell has never been so Tempting
Such realization that God would even be moved to share his observational knowing on this earthly plain.
And it still intimates to me why he treats humankind this way.
What are the Two Greatest Commandments?
Best regards, James
Such realization that God would even be moved to share his observational knowing on this earthly plain.
And it still intimates to me why he treats humankind this way.
What are the Two Greatest Commandments?
Best regards, James
Memo 2171 Perceptive Readers
They know as long as a person is not committing major crimes involved (examples)with the 10 commandments words from God; it doesn’t matter what type of personality they have in this citizenship framework.
No person should have their rights taken away.
Hope this makes sense to you. Regards, J
Memo 2171
“If you don’t have the right information, you can’t act.” – Maria Ressa
Leviticus 6 One to Seven Solutions to Stealing and Recovery
These days you may need need a certified physical letter and e-mail with a phone call to contact someone in this digital world we are living in right now. It’s that important … if it is important to you. I’m sorry that a number of people did not receive my messages or requests over the years.
The Harm #imposters and #bullies have cost some of us greatly. All the same; God knows. – Kind regards, James
You fight. You fight and stop blaming someone else you don’t even take care of financially. Https://
The Holy Bible, God’s Word even talks about the stupidity of acting upon a lack of knowledge (facts) before hearing both sides of the matter.
Regards James
Matters I believe God considers
Bullies and Slave Masters
Kind Regards, James
“God is Love” What is love to you?
From My comment on Social Media
This statement helps a lot of people at a certain level of consciousness. However, You heard me mention before, to be a good helper of others fighting against dark forces, you realize people crying out is not called complaining. And you gas -light them by saying so. What is a person supposed to when they are being attacked by others? Regards, James
And I will say one more thing about Holy Spirit. It does perform miracles in ways that we do not understand. unlike witchcraft which requires you to steal and destroy something of others.
This page considers more passages from the Holy Bible Reading; all the same, it also shares personal views and documentary of others at times. Be sure to ask questions. Make sure of all things you hear spiritually.
God is pleased when we develop our skills to do great work. There is nothing wrong with striving for efficiency.
Better the work the more you’re able to help yourselves and others – James
Have you ever said this to someone?
“My responsibility is not what a lot of people may want you to believe. It’s best to ask questions directly rather than be confused or mislead.”
Kind regards, James
Justice and the Holy Bible
NIV, Proverbs 29:7
“The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern” Author Jehovah God
Introduction to Cyber Law: Module 1 of 5
Keep in mind what a person knows they know. What they don’t know, they don’t know. You can at times Trust, but verify. Regards J.L.
You and your family is your responsibility first. This must be done without stealing from others. This is Jehovah’s command.
What does this mean. Anybody who usurps your headship/authority is not respecting you or Jehovah God.
Love is not Perfect or efficient in a mechanical way trampling upon other’s consciences – Regards, James
As you become stronger in all aspects of your life, please never allow all such strengths to mode your thinking into a person who doesn’t give a helping hand just because YOU did not receive one in your time of need.
Regards, James
Romans chapter 2 impresses upon us to still know what is a crime against a person no matter what the narrative or reason stated
FYI Jehovah God himself put in protections and insurances, if you will, against poverty.
There are different views of who or what is God? Then, if those thoughts don’t keep you awake on a summer breeze night; there are a whole host of others with spiritual concepts to consider. The Holy Bible has the answers to many of the important questions down through history. Please enjoy this playlist and keep in mind all thoughts within are not made by me. And yet, feel free to ask questions to be in the know or clarification on this or that statement and philosophy . Best regards, James
What some don’t want to accept is that they are teaching dysfunctional disrespect. When you keep doing these things against a person’s permission. It is like graffiti. What is on the law books about that?
James Poeartistry Productions Poetry, Commentary, Questions and Answers. You have a question, then there is most likely wisdom in the universe to give you an accurate answer.
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