Poetry Notes — William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born in the year 1564, Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom.

Poetry Notes — William Shakespeare

What did Poetry mean for Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare was born in the year 1564, Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom. The man’s plays, (e.g. Romeo & Juliet) are known world-wide. A writer’s soul often hopes to touch another’s life in a way that reveals we indeed are all connected by L.O.V.E. and not just DNA. There are many dramas, plays, and poetic writings that never grow stale in accomplishing such elevated thoughts and purpose. William Shakespeare’s literary work has been a staple in curriculum for centuries.

“While William Shakespeare’s reputation is based primarily on his plays, he became famous first as a poet.” – Poetry Foundation https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/william-shakespeare

“Like most Elizabethan treatments of love, Shakespeare’s work is characterized by paradox (“She’s love, she loves, and yet she is not lov’d”), by narrative and thematic diversity, and by attempts to render the inner workings of the mind, exploring the psychology of perception (“Oft the eye mistakes, the brain being troubled”). The poem addresses such artistic preoccupations of the 1590s as the relation of poetry to painting and the possibility of literary immortality, as well as social concerns such as the phenomenon of “masterless women,” and the (to men) alarming and unknowable forces unleashed by female desire, an issue that for a host of reasons fascinated Elizabeth’s subjects.”

What does poetry mean to you?
There are a lot of places you can go to hear poets read or recite their best poetic creation. Are you a reader of poetry? Do you visit hole/hide away in the wall cafes and restaurants in the late afternoon – early evening hours to hear these budding artists? Typically, for the astute establishment’s manager with a modest budget, there will be a band or two to mix up the program during the night. Yes, if you are a reader of poetry, then most likely you would enjoy hearing these writers of the mind’s universe recite their poems with flavor, pitch, pace, and power!
The atmosphere and setting, when arranged just so, bring out the best in the artist; in return, your audience will leave your establishment feeling their best. At the very least, feeling they received their currency worth and will tell others about your restaurant or cafe.

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Penne Cole Reviews Cambodia Tasty Dishes

Penne Cole Reviews Cambodia Tasty Dishes

Penne Cole Reviews Cambodia Tasty Dishes
Yes, we are going to talk about a favorite subject for many today. Food (Laughing with you). Why? Because Penne Cole wrote a two-part article on Cambodia cuisines.
Just think about it. When you hear the word Cambodia roll from someone’s lips, are they usually talking about some of best mouthwatering dishes they have ever tasted?

In reviewing my history on the subject of Cambodia, if it were not for Penne and her blog, the conversation of food would not be front and center in mind. Now, aren’t we happy to know about the penne4yourthoughts.wordpress.com website?

As a recap, for new readers, Penne Cole is a prolific reader and writer with style! Every so many months, this (Product of Culture) website likes to highlight some of Penne’s recent posts, so the new readers are made aware of why Penne and her blog are both neat personalities to become acquainted with for information on several subjects.

As stated in the title, Penne has some FYI on nice places to eat at in Cambodia when you are in that neck of the woods; so to speak.
Check out: A foodie’s guide to Cambodia

Penne Excerpt: “I’m not sure how we came across Sovanna, but when we arrived, the place was packed with locals with not a tourist in sight – a great sign. The barbeque was going at the front of the restaurant and you could choose from a variety of different cuts of meat. The locals make a sauce out of lime juice, soy sauce, garlic and chilli. Once your meat arrives, simply dip and enjoy. We ordered the spicy chicken, which was amazing – tender and juicy and very fiery. For us, it was the best bbq in Cambodia. “ READ MORE

In Penne’s A foodie’s guide to Cambodia (Part 2) she opened with:
“Before going to Cambodia, I asked my family where to get the best food in Cambodia. My brother had lived in Phnom Penh for six months and my parents had visited the country a couple of times. Their answer was depressing:” Find out the response and more of Penne’s experience. READ MORE

Penne Cole the Professional Profile
‘My name is Penne Pullen and I’m a management consultant by profession. I started this blog when I took a year off from work to finish my Masters in Business Administration in France. I loved living in Europe and took advantage of every travel – and eating! – opportunity I could find.

I also love to eat. One of the best parts of travel is sampling the local cuisine! They say the key to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but I say that the window to a culture’s soul is through its food.

As a freelance writer, my work can be found on Constant Content. I’m also available for custom writing assignments, so please reach out through my Facebook site below. ‘- Penne

Sharing is caring: Penne Cole Reviews Cambodia Tasty Dishes

The Brave Browser Review and Benefits

Brave Browser Review. The Brave Browser review is a technology tool many have found value in using today.

The Brave Browser Review and Benefits This is from the archives, enjoy!
The Brave Browser review is a technology tool many have found value in using today.

Thiojoe explains the incentives for professional website owners and Youtube Content Creators as well.

“We’re giving people a warm welcome and putting some change in their pockets,”– Company Chief Executive Brendan Eich, who previously co-founded and led the Mozilla Firefox browser.

The Brave Browser Review and Benefits – Featuring Thio Joe

Thio joe: The “Brave” web browser is a new browser based on Chromium (just like Google Chrome), that promises an alternative to the current ad system on the internet. Instead of displaying ads to generate revenue for websites, users can contribute to a wallet which is then distributed proportionally to websites they visit. They can contribute as much or as little as they want, even zero. The browser also blocks scripts and ads, making it safer and easier to browse the web in the first place. They also give away free cryptocurrency tokens, or “Basic Attention Tokens” every once in a while.

This Web Browser Will Literally Change the Internet

If the Brave Browser Review has helped you in some way, be sure to help out a friend with this information.

Marie Digby

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The 15% off is a deal maker for sure! Enjoy and remember your priceless moments with a Daniel Wellington Watch.

Reference Read more: pocbooks.com/events/danielwellington-watches-just-love-a-good-timepiece/

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A Good Policy

A Good Policy “Good ethical policies create a good culture based on trust and transparency.

A Good Policy

“Good ethical policies create a good culture based on trust and transparency. They promote moral conduct, and they benefit customers as well, as happy employees develop happy customers who keep coming back.”

Business ethics is the study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities.

James Lynch
Creator, Writer, and Owner of James PoeArtistry Productions & Perceptive Readers Podcast on the pocbooks.com domain.
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Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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