Worlds Baby
Fun Effect made by the Product of Culture website
Worlds Babbbbyyy!
Poetry Life and Art Becomes Jamespoeartistry
Worlds Baby
Fun Effect made by the Product of Culture website
Worlds Babbbbyyy!
Worlds Baby
Fun Effect made by the Product of Culture website
Worlds Babbbbyyy!
Men, throughout history, have appreciated the
Audio Player
Men, throughout history, have appreciated the importance of reading and writing in communities.Graduation with a Poetry Flare. Poetry for a spec
Graduation with a Poetry Flare. Poetry for a special a Journey
You waited close to 2 decades for its completion. The GWPF will keep the memory of it for generations.
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Honoring You Poem of Appreciation Author James Lynch Jr
Author: James Lynch Jr
There are times a parent Honors a child.
A child Honors a parent.
A friend Honors a friend
Colleagues Honors a colleague
Mates Honor One another
We speak the word Cherish to the poetry of the above.
The Majestic of all is when YOU Honor the Heavenly Father of all Creation by speaking his Name in the Pureness of Heart
And He Smiles at you in Approval.
” My Heavenly Father’s Name is _______”
And I do my best to honor that name for another year.
Balance in Honor is needed. Let someone know he or she is valued today by YOU… And his or her friendship will always stay.
Honoring is as honor does
– The Product of Culture Poetry poem of appreciation Articles Creation ( by James Lynch Jr Originally created and posted December 14)
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