Appreciating Love Moving Mountains for Us

Appreciating Love Moving Mountains for Us

Originally Posted December 9, 2019

Here we are Appreciating Love Moving Mountains… or are we? This journal entry is to reveal a conversation with a person who initiated it by coming to my social media page. I have had many conversations on subjects mentioned below. Such conversations have been revisited by me time and time again over the years.

From hours and hours of discussion; or you may call them debates at times; either way, these still are my thoughts bound up in my heart and spirit. – I have not changed, will not change, and have no desire or wish to change. You can decide for yourselves (introspective) why this writer feels the way he does about the matter.

Have a nice Sunday and start to your week. – Best regards

Appreciating Love Moving Mountains


The conversation started by being based on the following post:

Remember, putting a person through extreme hardship will not endear them to you, but in most cases cause them to hate or fear you. If it persist then the person inflicting the treatment can cause harm to your mind and body that shows at the very least, he or she is not your friend.

Social Media Inquirer/User: If you have affinity for a personality like that, you have a real problem.

James: Explain what or who you are talking about please

Social Media Inquirer/User: Why in hell would you stay connected to someone abusing you?

James: Who? Are you talking in general? Or about someone you or I know? It makes a difference in my response.

Social Media Inquirer/User: Response to above statement in general.

James: Well; some people have no choice. That is the reality in today’s world. Especially when these persons use bullying gang stalking tactics when they try to get away.

Hence, if they could walk away from the abuse, a tenderhearted shrewd person most likely would.

Now in other situations, a tenderhearted person’s mind may adjust to a view that their abuser still needs special help; help they have been trained to give, so they patiently (with healthy boundaries and self-care) do their best to give the needed care.

Of course, as I always say, the choice is between the innocent person being abused and the Heavenly Father.

You just keep supporting them by having a kind word to say. More could be shared of course on the subject. Just talk to a social worker. They deal with these matters all the time.

Social Media Inquirer/User: A practitioner must be professional and effective not personally involved. Sympathy never helped anyone. Be effective and not dragged into the mud.

James: Interesting concept. But Love moves mountains more than someone who is desensitized to your or their pain. Especially for the tenderhearted ones. You may use the term creatives, and indigos. “Different strokes for all sorts of folks” is a fact. For far too long such ones have been seriously hurt/destroyed not because of being dumb or having a lack of faith, but due to the insensitivity of others who just made the situation worse, because they just can’t “mind their own business.” There is a reason the Grand Creator inspired his prophets to say “mind your own business” more than once. – regards

Appreciating Love Moving Mountains for Us – Sharing is Caring

Moments in The Sage

Moments in The Sage

Poetry Live Moments in time moments in the Sage

Originally Posted: January 15, 2020 James Lynch Jr

After he shared a touch of a moment that lives in the veins of us all

Ones made an oath not to forget least we fall

The matters that are complicated can at times be simple to solve

But keep the oath or shall we forget
No longer all for one and one for all.

Simpler times explained simpler things
Hold on to them as wisdom they bring

As he looked to the sky with years of many he turned to us and said

Do you need a body like mine before you get it; better times will you be grateful for if you do with the one you have now. – Author James Lynch Jr.

Do You Have Loves Essence

Do You Have Loves Essence?
Love will bring you

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Do You Have Loves Essence?
Love will bring you into contact with the Greatest of All Time and Forever!
Yes, this is a Spiritual Sunday Thought with Psalms 15 ( Reference NWT)
Please perceptive readers, have a wonderful wonderful day!

Poetry Community Experience

Poetry Community Experience
When you attend a poetry slam function, or as it is also called, ‘the spoken

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Original Post January 16, 2020

Greetings Poetry Community,
When you attend a poetry slam function, or as it is also called, ‘the spoken word’, what are you there for in a way of entertainment? What are you looking for?

Poetry is one form of entertainment that even a lot of introverts find refreshing after an hour or two of a evening on the town. Poetry is soft, but it is also intense(vibrant); yet when the environment is set just right (cave or hole in the wall atmosphere) with the lighting and seating, oh what an experience.

Poets you better bring it! I Just felt I should share that thought. See Sage Innerarity

Poetry is a gifted way of speaking that imparts thoughts and pleasantries upon others.

Have you ever written a poem? Then why not try and write one today? Much success to you.

Poetry Community – Thank you for Caring and Sharing.


All images on this website I get from pixabay that state:

Pixabay License “Free for commercial use
No attribution required” However, I would be more than Happy to still place your name with any images used. 


When it comes to artists who have their video embed and sharing features turned on; this tells the public you hope for marketing purposes of your video links and are shared on Social Media and as an example; The unique and awesome Product of Culture website.

Thank you for allowing me to write wonderful features on the writers, performers, and artists here over the years.

Kind regards, James Lynch

Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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