The pocbooks app

The pocbooks app

Important Notice: A) This was originally posted December 23, 2019.

B) The app, which was costing me quite a bit a money was not showing the correct analytics of downloads. And may have been interfered with as well. Hence, after several months I discontinued it in the App stores during the first quarter of 2020.

C) At this point and time there is no Official or Perceptive Readers App.

D) If this change, I will notify you.

Here is the Original announcement: originally posted December 23, 2019.

Perceptive Readers, it is my pleasure to introduce the free POCBOOKS App Google Play Store Link!

This app was released in November of 2019! How are you liking it so far? Give it a rating when you get the chance!

POCBOOKS App on Google Play

What are the features of the free pocbooks app?

This super app has everything you have grown accustomed to in reading and services.
You have the Product of Culture Articles Creation features and podcasts locations.

There is more excitement to come!

You dear readers have more entailed for you through the use of the app. I will notify you of any major changes that will come to the app in the future will be noted in the sidebars at the website.

Can Grandma use the app?

Yes, I think Grandma can use the app. If she has been using the pocbooks website all along, then not only grandma, but everyone in your family will have no problem and a minimum learning curve!

The Stores where You can get The Free App

App Stores will be listed here soon. The designated family age range has also been stamped by Google. I like to say Family Fun!

Check content ratings to understand an app’s maturity and set filters based on those ratings to decide what’s right for your child. If you want to know whether an app contains ads, in-app purchases, or requires device permissions, you can check the additional information section on the app’s store page.

– Google Play

Thank you for caring and sharing – James Lynch Jr. (Author and Owner)

Welcome Students January 2020

Welcome Students January 2020

Welcome students in January 2020

(Article Originally Posted January 1, 2020)

Teachers and students welcome to January! How are you feeling today?

This month is often the start of something new or renewal for many people.

It is the beginning of a calendar year.  During this time seniors realize, “I’m going to be graduating before I know it.”

Teachers contemplate a well deserved vacation.  “Is this the time I talk about and plan a cruise? (chuckle)

Whatever you are giving serious consideration to this day, a word or statement to the wise, “Keep doing the best you can.”
Do the best you can with strength.
With knowledge.
Do the best you can with integrity which involves self love and the ability to instruct and discipline yourself.
Do the best you can with honor which is love that is also given outside ourselves to others.
Keep doing the best you can in all wonderful matters, and wonderful gems will return to you in the straits of time
Best wishes, the Product of Culture Website and it’s author!

The above greeting and journal is a Product of Culture Article Creation here at the website. This site also has a selection of audiobooks, podcasts, commentaries, and more. Thank you for stopping by and sharing the website.

Graduation With Poetry Flare

Dear Perceptive Readers, this discussion is on my

Audio Player

Dear Perceptive Readers, this discussion is on my latest book and audio book project! Have you heard of ? Well you will; so let’s talk about it in this pocbooks update moment!

Is Your Humanity Important

Is Your Humanity Important Do you appreciate such actions as kindness, mercy

Is Your Humanity Important

Audio Player

Do you appreciate such actions as kindness, mercy and sympathy? In other words your humanity? Guess what other attributes comes along with it and why. You most likely have thoughts of your own on this pocbooks update moment topic.

Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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