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The Lion The Leader and The Sage Part 4Story telling with a purpose
Story telling with meaning
Story telling for your heart
Poetry Life and Art Becomes Jamespoeartistry
The Lion The Leader and The Sage Part 4
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The Lion The Leader and The Sage Part 4Story telling with a purpose
Story telling with meaning
Story telling for your heart
Economics Race and America. A Special video share on this important topic today. You will learn something new
G’day Perceptive Readers,
Here is a special Thursday, and Sunday sharing report:
Name: Robert Woodson
Subject: Race in America: Economics
As you can see from the topic above, it is a recommendation noted that empathetic
citizens give heed to and proactive steps.
What are these proactive steps?
Well, this is what makes this sharing topic so special!
The Hippocratic Oath: Our Devotion to the Science and “Art” of Medicine
Below, I have placed the following report’s description and audio for you to fully contemplate the following when in medical and other trusted fields; “Love Does Not Harm His/Her Neighbor.”
Therefore, in such professions, “Love is not sacrificed for the sake of efficiency.”
We Learned From A 20 Century Tuskegee Experiment
Perceptive Readers Podcast Topic and Elevated Thoughts on the matter. See “Position of Trust” In 1932, the Public Health Service, working with the Tuskegee Institute, began a study with an objective that was clear on the surface, but how the research study implementation was carried out in manner in which ethics came into question.
A Study Experiment Revisited Perceptive Readers
In this Perceptive Readers a Journalist Report is Discussed:
Bad Blood: The Hidden Horror of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study By Beth Colman August 10, 2020
You may want to search the four part series as well: The Lion Leader and Sage Part -Article Podcast
This journalism Tuskegee report is briefly referenced there as well; while an additional story mode example is used
Mature Humility In The Beautiful Sound Of Healing
“What is the difference in Mature and Mock Humility? Remember we talked about it in the “Position of Trust” Perceptive Readers Podcast. Let us talk a little more about it.
Dignity Quantum Source
Collaboration: Raven Poetry and Sages Poetry Collection
Note Special Words (Lyrics) References in the article at the website
How Did God Bring Man To Life?
NIV, Genesis 2:7
Then the LORD [JEHOVAH] God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Brackets Placed By Poet James Lynch
You Can Be What You Want To Be
Always remember
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You Can Be What You Want To BeYou will absolutely pet them Pet what? A horse? A Dog? A Cat?
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You will absolutely pet them. Pet what? A horse? A Dog? A Cat? Well, Yes; and so much more in the beautiful future! These sayings are faithful and true for the eyes that can see and the ears that hear with comfort and joy!
Let’s discuss this in the pocbooks update moment.