Perceptive Readers; I now have additional thoughts due to my experience with digital Money so far written here: Social Fyi 58 Show Me The Money
James Lynch
Creator, Writer, and Owner of James PoeArtistry Productions & Perceptive Readers Podcast on the domain.
Contact Correspondence
Gratitude for Twitter and Facebook
Hello Everyone, Twitter & Facebook Contacts, No one likes to be taken for granted wouldn’t you agree? And with that being said, know that I thank you for your support this past year. Whether you are one of my Twitter and Facebook contacts, and additional networks contacts; your interest is appreciated
This Article was repaired or refurbished on February 16, 2020. It was originally posted on December 30, 2011 Check the site for verification of online presence.
Twitter and Facebook Thank you
At first, I thought I would send this through Twitter to each of you but it is a little more than a 140 characters. A great shout out has to go to the Twitter and Facebook users’ United Kingdom crew, and you know who you are! Your expressions give me a perspective on your friendships, family, and idioms of the land. It has been a pleasure.
The photographers
Through your eyes and camera lenses you continue to make the saying come alive that a picture is worth a thousand words. Whether it is natural ability or through training you have acquired such skill, it is evident that your heart is involved too. Thank you for sharing some of your works with me.
The writers, authors, and freelancers
What can I say, there is a kindred spirit running through people such as you. In paying attention to details, you have shared information through your stories and articles that are sometimes overlooked, or not viewed as important. They may even be considered little things. However, you realize the importance of little things to tell a story. The artistically inclined recognizes a masterpiece starts with a brush stroke and often requires well-placed touch ups for details. Thank you for the interest and advice.
The men and women of youthful power
Youth is a time for enjoyment and at the same time finding out what truly is important for you to be successful in life. I value your thoughts, feedback, and opinions too. And one thing I have come to appreciate about young people is your ability and sincerity. Your expressions show you are thinkers; no one will take that away from you. You may agree, at times, that physically your body still matures faster than your emotional maturity. Something your parents well know. You keep these things in mind because you will be an adult soon enough. Then you may express at times it is not all it is cracked up to be with the added responsibilities. (Little humor there) All the same, I’ve appreciated reading your feedback and reports. I’ve considered it a privilege.
In closing, from the bottom of my heart, I wish globally all the best Twitter and Facebook contacts in your goals and in what truly matters.
Perceptive Readers and Sci-fi interests.
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Health Conscience Letters and Experience
James PoeArtistry Consultant Moment CLARIFICATION This is in reference to medication/vacs (2020 to 2023 and future) experimental and otherwise, which involves the conscience
It is with much appreciation for all who are fighting against intellectual property theft. Artists and families have been hurt in ways that meditative thinking on your part shows a True heart of Gold. – James; The Sage
James PoeArtistry Consultant Moment CLARIFICATION This is in reference to medication/vacs (2020 to 2023 and future) experimental and otherwise, which involves the conscience
This is in reference to medication/vacs(2020 to 2023 and future) experimental and otherwise, which involves the conscience
Perceptive Readers, it is my hope that you and the doctors and specialists will have clear communication and that they will continue to RESPECT your medical choices and treatments.