Some like Mind Games

Some like mind games. Do you?

Dear Perceptive Readers,

Some like Mind Games… like the ones that are totally for the enjoyment of all involved. Can you name any of your favorites? Card tricks; board games; charades; etc?

Then there is an opposite spirit of fun for what some call mind games that are truly psychological manipulation.

Think about what fun is to you. It gives you a great feeling inside participating in such activities doesn’t it?

So all you have to do is listen to your heart on whether or not you like certain activities (e.g. practical jokes) and once you make up your mind that this is fun or not; then forces that disagree with you otherwise may/would not be fun to play with anyway. Chuckle


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Professionals Daily Maintenance

Professionals Daily Maintenance

When you have a person constantly making processes and life better; then when there is an item here or there in their realm of responsibility; you know they will get to it.

Smile and a shout out to the Professionals who keep everything running around the world. – James

Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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