Dear Perceptive Readers, Outsider In An Insiders World; as read first here By James Lynch
This Outsider In An Insiders World article and podcast version was created during the month and year of July 2024. Regards, James
The written article makes the podcast’s take away or action items clear.
Hate cannot cure hate. Have you said such words as well?
This is what I feel in observation of the system’s structure today in the management of expectations for an injustice(s).
I’m not talking about the magistrate judges: Meaning a judge who has limited authority to hear certain issues.
I’m not talking about the peace officers: A person who works in the public-sector and whose responsibility is to uphold the peace.
I literally mean the system’s policies in place that people knowingly and unknowingly apply today.
How does understanding and compassion play a role in civilization today?
The spirit in the Christian faith is you are not supposed to give a person enough rope to hang themselves.
In observation, people do it, but we are not supposed to develop such insensitivites. Imagine during a time of judgment from God where he asks about allowing neglect and the negligence that has been on the earth for so long. Would we want our face to appear before him as one who never intervened with a warning to help someone see the trouble?
There are some societal audits processes that are hard for me to believe in the results. It’s like a means to an end type of view. There are ethical ways of treating people that should always be on our minds and hearts.
When you are an outsider in an insider’s world, you’ll be surprised just how much it takes to be able to function on a level that even God tells us to function in based on the two greatest commandments. Make no mistake about it; it is not easy at times to get employment with this talk of love thy neighbor during interview questions. Depending on the supervisor’s mindset; they may conclude:
“This person has the skills; but they just won’t fit into our little group or community here.”
And then when you go into these different places of employment, It seems like every time you really need to get ahead; what ends up happening is that people, the envious persons with connections to these departments and groups heads have done stuff to sabotage your efforts. It’s called slandering your efforts as well.
In these type of environments, nobody is going to tell you anything. You may desire a listen to this same discussion in my exclusive support group.
I like to remind citizens in the United States of America that there is an ethical or moral community responsibility placed upon us not witness such behavior and stay quiet about it.
See Crime Prevention The Role of Citizens Reference from the U S Department of Justice. It states: “Citizens can help stop crime by removing opportunities for criminals and by promptly reporting any suspicious activities to the police.”
Being an Outsider in the insiders’ world, you’re used to being discriminated against and it ain’t (yes, I meant to say ain’t.) got nothing to do with skin color!
It has more to do with your status in life and your own spiritual beliefs. Now, I realize there are some bigots out here, but I’m just saying in general, the discrimination comes about because you’re different from everybody in matrix associations. It even affects people who claim they respect the same spiritual leaders in the heavenly places, that you do today. However, the flesh and blood group’s creed and agenda overrides the spiritual comprehension they claim to have with you. Therefore, you cannot always rely on this or that person’s support with confidence; if at all.
Is the above paragraph interesting to you? Well, when you are an outsider in the insider world, they are the reasons you don’t get into all this karmic debt they say a person is accumulating as if this is supposed make us feel happy for someone’s paying an unforgiving debt that has become due.
Here is another reason outsider’s just like to quickly resolve matters without throwing a full book at someone who has truly repented. Whether they come to us in tears or not; Amen.
Why? Because whatever was done to you or I in some of the worst case employment scenarios; etc… it still leaves you in a destitute (without the collaboration of an insider) unemployed situation with no honest prospects. You may have been developing interest for years with one or several insiders; never to enjoy the fruits of your labor in money currency; not even breadcrumbs. Because an envious and lacking a spiritual moral code head did not conduct themselves in an ethical way when it came to you or I as outsiders.
You, as an outsider, are still left in need for your bigger priorities; (which are still not everyone else’s business) and now even without the repentant individual(s) due to a debt that has been placed on them which totally takes them out of your professional and outsider’s reach.
Now isn’t that something?
All the same, Outsider’s need honest people and vendors they deal with as well.
Jesus’ disciples talked to everyone. Do you desire to provide one—to—one help for hundreds or thousands of people in the way that many of Jesus’ disciples have done for a long time, and especially over the past hundred years?
This takes work and it also takes forgiveness on the level that covers karmic debt.
Often the people you’re helping have experienced unjustified trauma that you may be familiar with as well.
As follower’s of Christ people have experience, mean and terrible things said and done to them; yet for some, they showed compassion and humility to the person(s) they were attempting to help.
I, we, completely understand that not everyone can help people on such a level. You may say, “All I can do is take care of myself right.” And of course; this is between you and God. The two greatest commandments does involve YOU first.
I’m just letting you know that all the same, you got a lot of people who, in their experience, this is what they’ve had to do is take care of themselves. These types of people shouldn’t be looked down on because they’re still trying to apply the scriptures on pursuing good and peace.
After all; it is the Christian faith.
Matthew chapter 5 and Matthew chapter 18 places impetus on speedily handling matters. We already know what makes us happy as humans. We know there are personalities from the extroverted to the introverts. Should we accept unwelcome intrusive studies affecting people’s lives on every level?
Do what’s right to help alleviate a person’s pain; and not sit idly by on a Truman show; hoping to exacerbate the pain.
Your citizenship in the United States of America is spoken of with respect the same way the Apostle Paul spoke of his Roman citizenship rights. Paul used his rights; then by all means you can use yours — how about to also help another citizen or neighbor.
It seems the Christian spirit is not one of a wait and see attitude while a person gets enough rope to hang themselves.
If someone has stolen from another; you have Leviticus Chapter for settling the matter with restoration/reparation. You may be moved to give punitive damages as well.
But this whole situation with karmic debt; depending on who is doing the judging; goes far beyond Leviticus Chapter 6 words of resolving such a matter.
“Hate cannot cure hate”
Is it not better for a person to learn their lesson through balanced scales of justice that yield peaceable fruits and love; rather than a harsh sentence of revenge that will produce hate?
Some have exclaimed: Utopia and Expecting too much in a pipe dream. We live in the real world!
And my counterargument at times is common sense and spiritual good sense is cultivated even for the people who had a less than idea environments growing up. It’s already documented. It takes understanding and patience to teach such persons who may have no deep feelings of self-worth. I am talking about dignity; the dignity of being made in the image of God.
This brings up the topic of wages. May we always pay the wage for the service such another citizen of the world has stated as the price. There has been time when people’s work and services were used; but then judged as not worth anything; so they were never paid for it—not even bread crumbs. See my discussion on Star Wars George Lucas Inspiration Even in Business.
In the discussion above, I mentioned adds insult to injury when you find out about a person who has contributed so much is still not even worth a regular or single penny as a wage. Then the BS challenges continues just to keep the person in the loop and feeding ground for to be fleeced with no money currency compensation; not even bread crumbs. what have you, without still going through some type of other mess to get to it.
We see, God teaches principles. In observation, the principles found in Leviticus chapter six explains how to simply resolve the problem with wages. Do you see how it applies when someone takes and uses your services but in reality ignored the payments and gratuity for it.
Their conscience knows what they took. The citizen with a change of heart is at times moved to apply the principles of Leviticus chapter 6.
Will we keep this in mind?
We all have our conscience and citizenship rights in the United States of America.
Our conscience involves our worship to the Grand Creator (God).
As an Outsider; You may say I’m still a citizen. You are correct and I take seriously this responsibility as I’ve discussed my reasons above. But I tell you what, you can’t on one hand say I’m a citizen; And then on the next hand break the law yourself just to challenge my citizenship or faith based conscience. So a person dishonors the respect and dignity of the citizen; the law; and God.
There are cases when playing the devils advocate went too far; all because a person in authority prolongedly went beyond what is written in the United States Constitution and God’s Word the Holy Bible.
As citizens of the United States of America and the World; we have a gift, right, and responsibility to exercise our freedoms in a fair, just, and humane manner in dignity
Sincerely, James Lynch (Jamespoeartistry.Online)