The Cost and Responses are not the same

This was posted on Thursday Sept 22, 2022 and arrived within hours to my feed… See my comments below. Kind regards, James

Perceptive Readers, sometimes people wonder why a person (s) becomes upset when they were/are never asked or given any monetarily reimbursement to/for __________ goods and products?
Sometimes, the frustration and anger still comes from realizing who the ones are being determined to stay tight-fisted
FYI I realize the titles below will raise an eyebrow for some of you. All the same, you may learn something new.
Regards, James

Author: jamesjrlynch

The “Wisdom Letter” book series turned out to be a masterpiece in the making for sometime. Oh the joy and experiences in your life. The ones in mine! Whether you’re reading this book on Amazon Kindle unlimited ($2.50) or purchased it for your person calibre library; it will make the day all the more insightful.

Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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