Happy Graduation Day Wishes on This Day

Happy Graduation Day Wishes on This Day

When you think graduation day; you feel oh what a day to remember!

This article was originally posted on April 19, 2019
Happy Graduation Day Wishes on This Day

Welcome to Product(s) of Culture!
Some may view this as a reader’s digest; while I am resigned to look at this as my personal journal of sorts. Therefore, you are welcome to this distinctive feature of the website as it suits you.
A Writer’s Thoughts

The first visiting audience to this website was made up of students in high school. Yes, I sure appreciated those visits every week.

As they graduated over the years, some went straight into their profession, while others went off to college, and some merged their family with a special someone else’s family.

The Product of Culture aka Pocbooks Brand has been around since 2010. Several things I have shared with the young minds of today around graduation time are noted in a past article at this website.

As you students graduate this year, remember, you still have to use your brain and thinking ability to maneuver successfully through life. Young minds of today, you need knowledge and wisdom to ward off the fickleness of not wanting to make decisions because of not even knowing what questions you should be asking and getting answers with facts. Not answers from the gossip/narrative being changed from the question you asked; but the points for the subject that you inquired about. Okay? (Smile)

Hopefully, the Graduating Class of 2018 and future generations will find value in the next section.
From Days Past, For Today; Happy Graduation Day Wishes

Graduation Day Today and Real Success; Please allow me to take the time to congratulate all the ones who have worked very hard to graduate from school! High school, in particular, has been a time of you developing an awareness of the world.

From friendships to your acquired taste in music, you now have a signature style that says “this is me.”
Well “me,” I and others are happy with you being able to tackle this ONE hurdle. Yes, graduation day falls into the category of life’s memories

A lot of laughter and crying is visible on graduation day. Longtime friends will move away. There are promises made to keep in touch. Oh, how at the time, you plan to keep your word. “I will call you every day,” some say.

“You are my BFF or Best Friend Forever,” your school years kemosabe replies.

Surely such sentiments will be echoed across the world. After you celebrate safely with family members and friends, it is always good to take some quiet time to make an honest appraisal of yourself again.
Here are a few helpful and experienced thoughts as to why?

Even with you being smart and intelligent in a variety of academic matters, such things do not always equate to maturity and wisdom.

The more you experience happiness and pain these events will mode you further. Things once thought impossible you will see are possible.

The more you experience happiness and pain these events will mode you further. Things you once viewed as possible you will now see are impossible.
You will change and so will your friendships.

Happy Graduation Day on This Day!

Guess what? You can and will succeed if you acknowledge that humans have boundaries. The boundaries are not shackles on your mind’s creativity or thinking ability. Seriously, your mind will continue to learn and retain new things over the years. It is the way we are created

The boundaries are set forth for our protection and growth. Who set such boundaries in place? References you may be interested in for Perceptive Reading: Holy Bible; Affectionately called The Good Book: Ecclesiastes 12:1; Psalms 83:18; and Isaiah 48:17 & 18

Think about your treasured relationships you have with people on this day. My favorite example is to think of a father. Whether it is your mother who often gave you a delicate touch and kiss to make things better, or perhaps it is a friend that will stay true to the end; just know the Grand Creator placed such kindly qualities in us. Who better to approach for guidance? Whose counsel will always be of the ultimate brightness when others fail and let you down and vice versa.

We are living in the most peculiar time of all centuries. Still, these are exciting times! More than ever keep in mind the importance of controlling how you react to situations.

Keep making honest assessments of yourself. Know yourself and know your mind. Sincerely search out the one who made all things and there will be immeasurable success in ways you have yet to perceive!

Once again, congratulations on this day. Happy Graduation Day Wishes!


A Perceptive Readers Super Pick
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Perceptive Readers Podcast, Copyright 2010 – 2024 All Rights Reserved. Attribution to Product of Culture Author and Creator and Owner James Lynch James Poeartistry Productions @pocbooks.com

Author: jamesjrlynch

The “Wisdom Letter” book series turned out to be a masterpiece in the making for sometime. Oh the joy and experiences in your life. The ones in mine! Whether you’re reading this book on Amazon Kindle unlimited ($2.50) or purchased it for your person calibre library; it will make the day all the more insightful.

Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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