2 Modus Operandi

2 Modus Operandi The James PoeArtistry Website Letter

2 Modus Operandi

The James PoeArtistry Website Letter

In this newsletter:

  • 5G Information Technology!
  • Podcasts in the Stream of Time
  • Featured Article & Artist

5G Information Technology!

Greetings Perceptive Readers!

Information Technology is the name, making the impossible happen is the game. Just
look at the many advancements in our homes, vehicles, and all buildings. The ability to
become the best human physically, emotionally, and spiritually is all one reading search
away at the click of a button. Have you put this powerful tool to optimal usage for

5G is all over the place. And quite frankly, there were questions asked several years back
by myself and others that seemed to go unanswered before this massive roll out. In one
such article and video on the website, these serious questions were put forth. Did you
ever get the answers to such questions?

Is 5G Wireless Safe Technology in your Home?

5G Information Technology!

Greetings Perceptive Readers!

Information Technology is the name, making the impossible happen is the game. Just
look at the many advancements in our homes, vehicles, and all buildings. The ability to
become the best human physically, emotionally, and spiritually is all one reading search
away at the click of a button. Have you put this powerful tool to optimal usage for

5G is all over the place. And quite frankly, there were questions asked several years back
by myself and others that seemed to go unanswered before this massive roll out. In one
such article and video on the website, these serious questions were put forth. Did you
ever get the answers to such questions?

Is 5G Wireless Safe Technology in your Home?

You Perceptive Readers will find this 5G Wireless Safe technology an important subject
to talk about over coffee. Yes, the following information is to provide thoughts you may
or may not have considered at this time.Is 5G Wireless Safe Technology in your Home?

Think about the children. This is a thought adults keep in mind when it comes to
anything, and we of humanity do mean anything that can affect a child adversely. The
smallest of us can’t speak for themselves, and so the parents and one’s in positions of
trust have a wonderful responsibility to take perfect care of them.

Didn’t that statement just make you feel good inside? It is also a sobering thought as
well. Is 5G wireless safe for children to be around?

The (IoT) Internet of things will continue to take the already billions of connected
devices to hundreds of billions with 5G capable devices. That’s if the 5G implementation
of telecom and corporate companies go as planned.

The question people are still asking, “Is this powerful technology safe for children?” Is it
safe for humans to have our home’s and neighborhoods air space saturated with these
waves transmitting in all these (IoT) devices, along with our phones?A Statement from
Frank Clegg on 5G

After viewing the video below by Frank Clegg, I made this statement on my Minds
Product of Culture channel to the subscribers:

FYI Me: Take it from someone who was certified in multi-channel communications
decades ago. Though I have a deep appreciation for technology, my experience and
knowledge gives creditable red flags and great caution with the way they are talking
about the implementation of 5G. Like energy plants having to be shielded with alot of
safe guards, researchers may find 5G technology is in the same RISK category that
requires such (insulation) protections.

Mr. Frank Clegg Assessment Questions

Mr, Frank Clegg – Former President of Microsoft Canada Technologies Mission is
to enhance our quality of life.

It aids in building, feeding, and medically advanced healing research as never before.
The theme parks and recreational escapees we travel to are the majority of the time
provided by the safe usage of technology.

We may find 5G wireless technology is also like driving a race car. Though the vehicle
can travel at great speeds, going at those high speeds is not allowed everywhere for the
public’s safety. We may also find 5G wireless technology a catch twenty- two situation
catch 22.

Technology is a wonderful tool. Let us be always aware it is also a powerful tool that
should be respected. Why does something work the way it does? Do I need special
garments (clothing) and training to use such tools?

Becoming knowledgeable for ourselves in the benefits and risk of these technologies will
help us to make better decisions. The children of humanity will also thank us for it.
These precious minds are worth the necessary research. My experience, Mr. Frank Clegg
words on this 5G technology topic should not be hastily ignored.

Owner and Writer James Lynch Jr.



Podcasts in the Stream of Time

Do You Remember These Selections?

Writers Technology Moment on Redundancy
WordPress Technology Moment
Is cryptocurrency viable as money
Quality of Life Part 1 of 2

Featured Article & Artist

Perceptive Readers, until the next letter, you have a super day and keep in your calendar
these tour dates from Against The Current. A band that would make the Super Bowl
unforgettable during the half-time show, no matter which team is winning! – (Chuckle)

ATG Touring Website Dates

From March 31, 2022 United Kingdom to December 19, 2022 Paris, France

Author: jamesjrlynch

The “Wisdom Letter” book series turned out to be a masterpiece in the making for sometime. Oh the joy and experiences in your life. The ones in mine! Whether you’re reading this book on Amazon Kindle unlimited ($2.50) or purchased it for your person calibre library; it will make the day all the more insightful.

Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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