Perceptive Readers and Class of 2023 have a wonderful day!

A Circle in a Square

As we lay in our cribs,
What is this and what is that?

How do I make the sounds of mom and dad?

As we well past the toddler stage, why can’t I no longer suckle my baby bottle, it can’t be bad?

Stay away from this and stay away from that… Why? why? why? What is the catch?

The teen years go by like a blur, the facts and figures promotes us to say mom, dad, please not another question.

With another puzzled response, every family unit ask, are you sane? That line of reasoning makes me question in the same vein.

Oh come what may look how you have grown.

On graduation day you’ve grown this far, and my oh my you are shinning like a star.

Happenstance, you questioned your heritage, and the parents your sanity, but with the questions answered everything became clear

People long-lived say the only thing that is certain is change.

I say on this day in this frame, questions are a part of life and we should feel free to ask them.

My Dear, Answering questions shows respect and love; in which there is no fear.

Happy Graduation Day!