All The Sage Mind

All The Sage Mind
Creations are all copyright 2023 By James Lynch Jr
Youtube Channel: jamespoeartistry8751

All The Sage Mind

In Life, you do not always have to understand someone, or something, right away…The preciousness and worthiness of PoeArtistry. Art and Music opens and communicates to our mind the realms of imagination and facts. The Honor in Pure Intention brings about the priceless treasures in the universe – James & The Sage PoeArtistry.

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Matthew Chapter 5:23 & 24 resolves problems in a variety of ways. You will know where you stand with a person. Chuckle, even if you find out it is a conscience matter (e.g. Health, Handmill Wages,…) neither of you will ever agree on today or the future. – Kind regards, J.

Take a look at the Specially listed Featured Home Page

Dear Perceptive Readers,

Here is my official Cash App$Poeartistry web address…

Welcome Perceptive Readers to All The Sage Mind.

There is no obligation to do business with me because of past history.  Regards James; The Sage

This page highlights the many featured locations of the Product of Culture domain! (Pocbooks.crypto &

This is the page you want to save in your favorites for sure.

People are going to appreciate Matthew Chapter 5:23 & 24 again one day. Meaning, if it matters, then you will ask or tell the person directly, good or bad. – James; The Sage

This keeps us from putting a person in the dark and in a state of being ostracized/abused based from the whims of others. – The Sage

Notes Today

January 1 & 2, 2023 The Official James PoeArtistry Productions

INTERESTING QOUTE: “In 99% of the cases, a complete eBook ends up being a pirates’ possession the very day of its release. That leads to a decrease in sales and losses both for authors and publishers. — Booknet

You can collect the Sage Relaxing Sips e-book Series on

My Official Cash App – James$Poeartistry

Perceptive Readers Podcast, Copyright 2010 – 2023 All Rights Reserved. Attribution to Product of Culture Author and Creator and Owner James Lynch

August 18, 2023 Inspiring to realize the Grand Creator’s Art and life in creation. It is marvelous. James; The Sage

May 1, 2023 Hi Perceptive Readers! Have you read any great poetry lately? Well, May is such a beautiful month to write poems. Thank you for your interest in this website. You are appreciated. – James

March 21, 2023 Perceptive Readers a 5 part series called Creative Honor will help you to protect you writers and content creators to protect your intellectual property. These episodes were made on the Telegram app; however the quality came out sounding pretty clear. – J. Consultant

January 1 & 2, 2023, The new James PoeArtistry Reports and News Official Group on created. It introduces and represents the Podcasts, Poetry, Spirituality and Commentary Topics here on the domain history. 2010 to 2023 ©

November 26, 2022, Hi Perceptive Readers here is a NEW RELEASE The Sage Relaxing Sips (The Sage — Relaxing Sips Book 1)

October 10, The Internet is great for sending purposeful letters. Granted ads help to show a product, but anything worthwhile on a professional level requires questions and answers correspondence. Believe my words and letters. Believe my words and letters. EXAMPLE: You cannot always place faith in a numbering system that people can hack into and change at will. I can type “85” A hacker will sometimes change it to a totally different number. Do You See what Writing clarifies? My Best, James PoeArtistry

Aug 10, Galatians 5:26 — GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

We can’t allow ourselves to act arrogantly and to provoke or envy each other. 

July 16, Scent of a Woman | “I’ll Show You Out of Order!”

July 16, Quote of the day: “It’s true that some are preaching out of jealousy and rivalry. But others preach about Christ with pure motives. They preach because they love me, for they know I have been appointed to defend the Good News. Those others do not have pure motives as they preach about Christ. They preach with selfish ambition, not sincerely, intending to make my chains more painful to me.” – The Good Book (Philippians 1:15-17)

July 12, I mentioned to you there are podcasts, etc on communication and what could be applicable in some of you Perceptive Readers cases:

For example, have you shown a proficient use of these avenues?

1) Talking (This may seem obvious) in private and public settings:

a) Winning over a Group of Skeptics Parts 1 of 3

b) Winning over a Group of Skeptics Parts 2 of 3

c) Winning over a Group of Skeptics Parts 3 of 3

June 21, Here is a Special Reading and Thought for you Perceptive Readers

Psalms 80 verses 1 to 3 James Version
Psalms 81 verses 1 to 10
Psalms 82 verses 1 to 8

June 13, Hope you have been enjoying the graduation season. Best wishes for your future!

June 4, Enjoy this weekend Class of 2022

May 18, “Taylor Swift will receive a Doctor of Fine Arts, honoris causa, from New York University with the graduating class of 2022. She will address students and guests at the school’s commencement ceremony on May 18 at Yankee Stadium”

May 17, Be glad in the Lord at all times: again I say, Be glad – The Good (Holy Bible Philippians 4:4) Book

April 20, When you wish a person well. We think of luv yous ; gifts; tears of happiness; and a poetic song in the heart.

Whoever has touched your life in such a way, may such a blessing stay with you forever and ever.

Signed James PoeArtistry

& The Sage Poetic

On A Grateful Day

April 12, 2022 Hi Perceptive Readers here is a NEW RELEASE:

James And The Sage PoeArtistry: I’m a Product of Culture

I’m a Product of Culture; Welcome to the Poetry of Life and Recreation in The Sage PoeArtistry.
Life is worth living forever. Throughout the centuries it has taken The Arts and Nature to explore these gifts.
As we sample the marvels of life, young and old treasure up memories meant to last longer than the life of trees and vineyards.
Again, welcome to this titled book James & The Sage PoeArtistry

March 17 Even when going through hardships, realizing that the Grand Creator knows you on a level where he feels; what you feel, is the encouragement that keeps you on high. Keep Caring and Sharing it with others. Best regards, James PoeArtistry

March 14 The Sanctuary is not a basic training camp. FYI the Spirit of Paul talking to Timothy was one of reasoning love training and preaching during opposition. Not mental or physical corporal abuse. – Acts 20:29

March 13 It is an idea that sparked the world
Awakening with reasoning intelligence!

February 16 ESV Bible Quote Galatians 2:4 Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in—who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery— 5 to them we did not yield in submission even for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you.

January 27 God’s Word condemns withholding back a rightfully due wage. Money is currency. Currency is money.
The market place also includes the Internet.
Don’t allow others to change the narrative or justification in why they continue to ruin a person’s access to it or have their funds transferred to others who think they have a right to it through class distinction or family name when they are Adults.

NIV, James 5:4
Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty (*Note: God’s Name is Jehovah).

January 26, Have you checked me ( Perceptive Readers ) out on Rumble?

January 17, Perceptive Readers keep listening, thinking and smiling

January 13, Persons who did not get visitors in their last hour.
In God’s Mercy, he will raise (resurrection) you back up on this earth again to encounter a better environment for cultivating long lasting friendship. – Kind regards, John 17:3

January 2, You don’t take, you negotiate – J.
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Author: jamesjrlynch

The “Wisdom Letter” book series turned out to be a masterpiece in the making for sometime. Oh the joy and experiences in your life. The ones in mine! Whether you’re reading this book on Amazon Kindle unlimited ($2.50) or purchased it for your person calibre library; it will make the day all the more insightful.

Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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