March 2025 Featured Images and Photos

Dear Perceptive Readers,
Featured Images and Photos
Do you appreciate the skills of the photographer? These are people who have spent many hours studying light and the best angle shots. Their equipment is often crafted together like a multifaceted diamond.
Because they are taking photos of the diamonds from all around the world.
Yes; People, Places, and active living in beautiful poetry.
Best regards, James

Supply and Demand Poeartistry Consultant

Supply and Demand Poeartistry Consultant

Supply and Demand By The Poeartistry Consultant

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James Lynch

James Lynch Jr.
Creator and Podcaster
Buy Me a Coffee
For Tips and Wages

Cocoa Your Snow Day Drink

Hot chocolate and Hot Cocoa

Sometimes a cup of cocoa on a snow day will help you with kick starting your writing letters imagination.
When was the last time you wrote someone an email or letter?

Just think; a couple of paragraphs will make someone’s day and could also make yours as well.

On a snow day, you may also take the time just to look out a window and marvel at the tranquility of snow falling on the grounds

Do you drink hot chocolate in regular milk or another percentage of dairy products?


Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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