Carrying out a nice Gesture

Dear Perceptive Reader,

James Lynch Jr.
Creator and Podcaster
Buy Me a Coffee
For Tips and Wages

Sometimes You want to carry out a nice gesture (something said or done by way of formality or courtesy, as a symbol or token, or for its effect on the attitudes of others – Merriam Webster) but you just don’t have the resources you like in order to give it proper justice. Or what is due for this or that person. So, you just store it away for another time.

Have a wonder day.


The Food Menu of Choice

The Food Menu of Choice

Dear Perceptive Reader,

What is your favorite food to eat? It is completely understandable if you don’t have one.
Here is one Reddit thread that brings out enough ideas to make you hungry. Oh why do we do this to ourselves? The many cuisines from around the world; who can decide?

James Lynch Jr.
Creator and Podcaster
Buy Me a Coffee
For Tips and Wages

Principle here as well as fact

There is a principle here as well as fact. Read on dear Readers.

Perceptive Reader, since Jesus is your lord and savior, why in the world would you give up your free will to worship God with conscience and peace? Don’t give up your relationship with God, even though you are really just getting to know him.
#fact God’s real name is Jehovah.

NIV, Psalms 2:6
“I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.”

Kind regards, James

James Lynch Jr.
Creator and Podcaster
Buy Me a Coffee
For Tips and Wages

Justifying Ignoring People

Ignoring a person needing help has a serious effect on the way God views a person.

Dear Perceptive Reader

Ignoring a person needing help has a serious effect on the way God views a person.
He certainly doesn’t want persons calling someone bad due to their own greed and envy either.

Kind regards, J

NIV, St. Matthew 25:31
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.

Also, You do not have to allow a person to cause you anymore harm  in your life
Kind regards,

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Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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