I write ahead of time on many topics. be sure to save your favorite pages, because some of them are refreshed with new information. I will place the original date and the revised information dates when this happens.
G’Day Perceptive Readers,
After eating all that good food this year, be sure to keep yourself in shape.
G’Day Perceptive Readers, After eating all that good food this year, be sure to keep yourself in shape. Ha Ha Exercise the (Love) Handles; it’s amazing how much fat burning energy is in those areas after large meals. Keep your stomach core area healthy and your immune system also improves with a strong defense against colds.
You; or should I say, we are spiritual thoughts of God. Somewhere along the line in life, we may forget this. I’ve actually known of people saying ” I was never told this.” Therefore, in poetic and academic ways, the journey of these higher earthly beings begin a search. A search that by mundane physical laws were surpassed to the level of the stars.
With a surprised stare when someone sings, dance, or gives us an extraordinary performance; I may say, “A star is born!” The time and effort that goes into creating the best version of yourself is already a lot. Then; when you consider special skills and talents, the time and energy is multiplied exponentially each month when you daily work on your craft. I hope you will continue to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
With a stare and a chuckle, do you feel this following talent’s parents stated “A star is born!” when she arrived on the scene?
Listen to the following commentaries and shout-out what you think?
REF217 James Poeartistry Consultant Moment- Mr Charles T. Russell
A Product of Culture (Pocbooks.com) Domain website(s) creative expression: The Official James PoeArtistry Production Attribution 2010 to 2023
Perceptive Readers Podcast, Copyright 2010 – 2023 All Rights Reserved. Attribution to Product of Culture Author and Creator and Owner James Lynch @pocbooks.com
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