Cindy Lous Captivating Poetry

Cindy Lous Captivating Poetry. As you have come to appreciate, this website is about the “Product of Culture books,” aka Pocbooks;

Cindy Lou ’s Captivating Poetry

As you have come to appreciate, this website is about the “Product of Culture books,” aka Pocbooks; which at times feature ‘The Arts.’ In particular, talented ones who showcase their writings and exceptional music. In this line of thought, I would be amiss if I did not mention the poetry of Cindylou601. I took the time to visit her website. Then proceeded to read not one, not two, but seven poems! Yes, the poems are that captivating. It has been a pleasure getting acquainted with her original poetry. Hey, if you enjoy poems and poetry, why don’t you just check out the website link and peruse her poems. Would you like a suggestion? Be sure to read “Together.”

Cindy Lou ’s Captivating Poetry
This post about Cindy Lou’s poetry was originally published
Author’s Poetry Corner

Poetry is the precursor to songs IMHO. Don’t get me wrong, there are musicians who start with a tune in their heads first. Therefore, in speaking for myself, the words come first and though I am not a musician or singer, I can appreciate how they are able to match the rhythm with poetic thoughts. It is good to see that YOU are enjoying this website. Thank you before hand when you decide to share it with family members and friends.
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If you are deeply moved by poetry, then you have epiphanies on a regular basis. The Raven Poetry Tree Creation is a page you will also love to visit

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