Comforting Words

Perceptive Readers Podcast, Copyright 2010 – 2023 All Rights Reserved.

Comforting Words Author James Lynch November 2012

Comforting words are like iced tea on a warm day
The heart and mind formulate winsome words to say
Such words are like a massage on sore neck muscles
These words counteract the hurtful words that like to wrestle
Comforting words are like lotion to dry skin
They flow out easily from the mouth of a friend
There can never be enough of these words they are not a bore
Comforting words, these words, bring us much joy

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Author: jamesjrlynch

The “Wisdom Letter” book series turned out to be a masterpiece in the making for sometime. Oh the joy and experiences in your life. The ones in mine! Whether you’re reading this book on Amazon Kindle unlimited ($2.50) or purchased it for your person calibre library; it will make the day all the more insightful.

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