The Sage Poetic Scene 
I also want to wish you the best health and rest each day. Best regards, James

The Sage Poetic Scene

Lady, you deserve more than a pickup line
but the reality is today I only have a short amount of time.
When I walked in this room: and saw you and your attractive friend
this is what I decided right then:

“Here is my card: With several drinks for you both or tell the bartender with this; you want The Sage Special toast.”
‘Girl, he just placed the black card with a purple, white, and gold with the shiniest of engravings on our table. — Where is he going, I had to ask?”

James Lynch Jr.
Creator and Podcaster
Buy Me a Coffee
For Tips and Wages

I turned back around: “Lightly touch the best looking glass in the house the waiter brings you. Bon Appétit.”
Both women turned towards each other, in-sync ‘Is he for real?’
‘He comes in this place a couple of times a year and this is the first time I get the opportunity to serve you what comes with that card.” a waitress said with a smile.’
‘He is legit, and he feels firmly people do what they want to do. So he allows the environment and space for you to decide if he’s legit the next time you see him.’

The Sage Special’ returned with the waitress. Two of the exquisite wine glasses and the selection that looked exactly like the card design. It was in the wine bottle cooling case with plenty of ice.

I could not help myself, ‘Please place the card on the bottle.’

The waitress, hold on; the contents has to be poured in the glass.’

It felt like an eternity, so we said please, fast!

– The Sage

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I also want to wish you the best health and rest each day. Best regards, James

Humans Loving Humans Singing to Your Soul 2025

Humans Loving Humans Singing to Your Soul 2025

Dear Perceptive Reader,

We take inspiration and advice from people all throughout our lives. It is something that happens naturally. Often time is set aside to pick up a point or two from someone.

Whatever that knowledge happens to be, it is hoped you will ponder the usage of it and attribution (tips and wages) when it is an important project. 

We still need more than ever people to continue running the economy with integrity and a genuine affection for humankind.

Best regards – J.L

When you first ask a child as they’re growing up, who do you want to be?  You will notice them pick several occupations that most likely will be along the lines of helping people.  Young boys starting with the shiny red trucks of the firefighters, it seems.

I want to be a doctor. 

I want to be a nurse. 

I want to be a lawyer.

I want to be a policeman.

I want to be a policewoman. 

They may want to travel around the world…..

Here is the HAIKU thought for those Heroic Hearts

Loving zest of Life

Became motivated Help

God Sends His Love Now

Star Gate Consensus – Singing To Your Soul
James Lynch Jr.
Creator and Podcaster
Buy Me a Coffee
For Tips and Wages

Eggs of Our Economy Story Time SPECIAL 2

Eggs of Our Economy Story Time SPECIAL 2

Welcome Perceptive Reader

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The Eggs of Our Economy Story Time. By James Lynch The Light in Your Life By James Lynch Jr Tips and Wages Support: James Poeartistry is The Ultimate Feng Shui writing experience. You will no longer have writers block on any subject; because it is all talked about in interesting and passionate ways.

March 2025 More Than Life Madness

March 2025 More Than Madness

Dear Perceptive Readers,

There are days when you sleep in longer than usual. Sunday most likely ranks high on the list for the days of the week of extended rest in the morning. This tells me that you may also have time to make not only coffee, but also yourself a nice breakfast. 

If this saying is true in many eyes, ” Life is too short…” Then I tell you what; by all means you should take a day each week to enjoy the fruits of your labor. 

I said what I said; and I’m sticking to it.

Best regards, The James Poeartistry Consultant 

James Lynch Jr.
Creator and Podcaster
Buy Me a Coffee
For Tips and Wages

Haiku Love * A James Poeartistry Feature

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