James Poeartistry

Havasi Music Interpretation
Spring Wind A Havasi Music Interpretation

This article was restored along with the rebuild of the Product of Culture website that happened on May 7, 2019. May 28, 2019 is the date of the Spring Wind – Song Interpretation by Havasi restore. Thank you for the patience to all the ones that have been missing this article. I apologize for the delay. Have a beautiful day! – James (author/writer)

Spring Wind – Folk Song

In Havasi’s interpretation of Spring Wind, you receive a clearer understanding why stories of old, in this case, folk songs, continue to live on anew for each generation. Lifetime, after lifetime, the parents pass on these stories/songs to their children.

What are Folk Songs?
Spring Wind – Song Interpretation by Havasi – Folk Songs

Folk songs are characterized as being oral traditions among people in a common area. It involves speech, idioms, spirituality, and culture. Some families also possess their coat of arms, in a manner of speaking, traditions and experience. These oral traditions, poetry, and stories have been passed along to help children to understand the life around them, work, and very importantly, love. Not just a passing statement humans make at times, “Hey, you know I love you.” All the more so, these stories when told from the point of “I really, really, want you to understand what I am saying here about this view; my outlook, and my feelings,” then the words take on a larger meaning. Yes, UNDERSTANDING and LOVE become a flowing river that regularly refreshes the minds and hearts of a new generation to history and ideas that could have been or be lost otherwise.

The reason these folk stories are never forgotten is that they do involve the mind and heart. It is the mother, father, or both who routinely spends time with their children to tell/teach them these stories and songs.

Some can remember falling asleep at night to these bedtime stories. Others with an extended remembrance of being in their mother’s bosom still can relate that feeling of safety as she hummed a soft melody or told a story that comforted them to sleep. Such experiences stay with you forever.

Havasi The Musician

Spring Wind – Song Interpretation by Havasi – The Musician

Havasi is a skilled musician and composer that places him in the imaginative rhythms of virtuosity. You see, there is an ability for such a person to produce music that touches every single complexity of emotion humans experience. This is an excellent gift. The potential for such a musician is one for all to contemplate impartially.

Spring Wind – Song Interpretation by Havasi

Havasi creates an atmosphere for the story he wants to tell with music. His Spring Wind interpretation of this loved folk song becomes personal for us. You may have never known anything about the land of Hungary, but you do now.
You may not have experienced the culture of these people, but you have now.
You may have never thought about the beautiful way in which Havasi interprets this folk song language, and yet now, you may relate, this is how I also perceptively connect with it in the languages of my mind’s eyes and humming heart’s rhythm.
Such experiences stay with you forever.

Enjoy now Havasi’s interpretation of Hungary’s most loved folk song performed live at the Budapest Arena.

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