This ARTICLE: Welcome to POCBOOKS 2019 Product of Culture First Quarter; was originally published June 12, 2019
Recommended Menu Page Bit of History Discussion
James Lynch Jr.
Creator and Podcaster
For Tips and Wages
Videos are no longer in the articles.
A Writer’s Thoughts
How has 2019 been for you so far? Each day takes you not only where you want to be, but actually where you need to be, just don’t give up. Even wobbling baby steps one day strengthens into firm man strides and a woman’s gracefulness.
2019 What’s Happening?
The readers have read and enjoyed these happenings on the Product of Culture website. This website has its articles highlighting poetry, (social) technology, music, and culture. We are going to review January 2019 to June 2019 for newcomers and longtime readers alike!
The Rebuild on May 7, 2019
This is the biggest event for the website that the readers noticed right away. The theme change for POCBOOKS. Here is my official farewell to it.
“On May 7, 2019, The Product of Culture website has been rebuilt from the ground up. Over the years, I’ve written hundreds of articles for this website alone. Many of them have been deleted and archived as well.
I held on to the old theme, and I really don’t like to call it that, for as long as I could, even after it was hacked years ago. The company I purchased it from still has not come out with any 2019 (security) updates that are sorely needed.
That favorite theme for so many, including myself, has served a wonderful purpose. I will truly miss it.”
Poetry and Poems
The poetry writer KiBLS featured his poetry on the site. His poetry is enthralling and activates the thinking faculties. You should see what his fan base says about his poetry on
I also released new poetry this year. You should check out the POCBOOKS Poetry Week that was enjoyed in April!
Technology and Apps Featured
Imagine having a professional team of stupendous talents and great ideas! Yet, not being able to get everyone together to capitalize on these great; no, these awesome ideas. You have searched online collaboration tools before, but after a recommendation from a trusted source, you put in place Samepage for your working process, and the whole team smiles with ‘Eureka!’ “We are all on the same page.”
MicroStrategy 2019
The MicroStrategy team of professionals with their state of the software have made it their mission, if you will, to help you understand all your resource data results. What is working, and the catalyst of why it works, so you can continue to do more of what is making your business a success.
Equestrian channels
Horses are magnificent animals! It brings a smile to my heart to see the young ones, and people in general who are able to enjoy their companionship. The channels mentioned here have something for you equestrians.
Horses are magnificent animals! It brings a smile to my heart to see the young ones, and people in general who are able to enjoy their companionship. The channels mentioned here have something for you equestrians.
The Wine Culture Expert
Julien Miquel; this interesting man shares his expertise on wine and I guarantee you the pleasure of learning something new about the topic. That is; if you drink wine! His experience are of such an interest, I also featured him during the POCBOOKS Poetry Week.
Here are articles about his channel you just have to check out!
Julien Miquel Wine Expert and Maker
How Sake is Made — It is Fascinating
G’day and Wine anyone on the move
Thank You – How do You say Thank You
Be sure to check out the video: “Symposium – A Drinking Party? One Wine Thought #1”
Welcome to POCBOOKS 2019 Product of Culture
POCBOOKS 2019 Talking Matters
There are quite a number of other posts covering:
Journal thoughts to the e-mail subscribers.
What is the 6.24 Billion Visa Class Action Settlement all about this year?
And there is absolutely more. Like the new page!
POCBOOKS Huzzaz Presentation
The new Huzzaz presentation page highlights documentary, singers and musicians.
You will appreciate a number of your favorite musician’s have been featured here over the years.
I’m sure they appreciate when you like their videos, comment, and share them with friends; or on Social Media.
Major Musician articles written this year
Jasmine Thompson
The COLOUR of Jasmine Thompson — Commentary
Jasmine Thompson Smile 1-4 of Wonder
The Golden Eagle and HAVASI Music
Spring Wind A Havasi Music Interpretation
This ARTICLE: Welcome to POCBOOKS 2019 Product of Culture First Quarter; was originally published June 12, 2019