What is Freelance Work

Freelance Work Dear Perceptive Readers is a quote from an article on being a freelancer. Enjoy the quote and link location

Becoming an At Home Freelancer

What Is a Freelancer?

A freelancer is someone who offers their services for a fee and usually with no expectation of a permanent single client, although the working relationship can be ongoing. It’s a form of self-employment, similar to operating a home business versus telecommuting. With that said, a freelancer can work as a contractor, as opposed to a home business.

Home Business Ideas

Shout Outs Are Great!

Let Poetry Me (Word of Mouth Shout Outs)

Which is it? One or Team Fruits Reward (Podcast above)
There is a time to say thank you and there is a time to share. When you plant a garden, eating and drinking the fruit of your labor is a God Given gift! What about when others like a core circle and in general team efforts are involved?