I ask the question: A Masterclass Why are they Taken?
J13 Posts Page For James PoeArtistry Productions
A Gaming Industry Report
Have you recieved a year end report for this occupation on gaming administrators?
Thank you for the Interest
Dear Perceptive Reader, Thank you for the interest. I try to share what I know while realizing it’s up to the hearer to proceed on how they will apply it. James
My Top 5 ATC Singer Songs
I hope you are having a Super Day! Though this has been a hard challenge to tell you my top 5 Against The Current and Chrissy Constanza’s Songs; still for the most part, these five songs
For Your Happiness
For our Happiness, It does take for some of us a simple approach to life
A Peace Keeper Constitutional and Spiritual Ethics
A Peace Keeper — Constitutional and Spiritual Ethics
Poetry Language of a Singer
I have enjoyed many great speeches and poetry throughout the years!
This Flame Holds Such Passion
Dear Perceptive Reader, Along with the Special Feature This Thursday and Friday; Talking about money management goals; on the “Like it Got Page” I’m sharing some wealth and abundance with the beautiful wine and dine thoughts as well. FYI, some of the women in these presentations are high ranking in responsibilities and intellect in their…
You can hate it or love it; but you learn to live with it.
Manifesting Involves This
Do you agree? https://t.me/c/1642325872/1256 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Curlys Law (@curlyslaw)