Mentor Students in Honesty Best Policy

Honesty Best Policy

Original Published

2020/03/04  Mentor Students in Honesty is the Best Policy

Hi Mentors and Perceptive readers to these thoughts on honesty is the best policy.

Perceptive Readers Podcast Ebook

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This Article was repaired or refurbished on February Mar 2, 2020. It was originally posted on Sept 5, 2019 Check the site for verification of online presence.

Honesty is the Best Policy

How would you answer on the value of honesty? Is it the best way to be?

The above question is:

A) Fact

B) False

Right or wrong?

In the BusinessDictionary it references honesty inclusion for ethical behavior. It states:

Acting in ways consistent with what society and individuals typically think are good values.

Ethical behavior tends to be good for business and involves demonstrating respect for key moral principles that include honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity and individual rights.

Business Dictionary

Do you get the understanding that what you see is what you get ? Or at the very least be Truthful

So when you introduce yourself by name to this new person, it is expected that not only are you giving the correct name, but honesty is certainly involved with the name and actions; and will continue to do so.

Society needs and expects honesty and dignity in everyday interactions.

Well then, already, at the start of this school year, mentors and teachers have classes of these bright minds still considered in their early stage of life’s understanding. Will YOU impress upon your listeners how honesty is the best policy?

Yes, even when it comes to homework; please stop blaming sweet Fido (dog family member) for eating it. If Fido is eating it, then can you move work assignments to higher ground?

At the very least, continue to impress upon these minds, “If you have a question, then please by all means ASK.”

Yes, mentors and teachers have a way of instructing their students through their joy of the subject to become involved during a question and answer session.

For example, some teachers in a thirty-minute teaching session may teach for ten minutes and answer questions for five minutes. Then they may have another five or ten minutes for paperwork exercises. Some students (most likely) may have a few questions afterwards.

The above is by no means set in stone on how to teach.

The purpose of this article is to share the importance of your mentoring routine in allowing and in some cases encourage honest questions. Some students may experience timidity at first.

In conclusion, how would you rate your environment for bringing out the best in your students? With an assessment and observation of the questions you are receiving, then your classroom policies will improve its conduciveness for drawing out honest responses from your students.

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Mentor Students in Honesty is the Best Policy