James Poeartistry

Dear Perceptive Readers,

Welcome to the James PoeArtistry website; it is the month of October 2022!

It is my pleasure to share these following topics with you in this letter.

How are You Feeling?
Being asked about your well-being enlists more than one response from people. Here is a way of responding that gives me a pause of thoughts;… When a person says, “Can’t complain because no one cares anyway.”

Well Perceptive Readers, I’m here to share with you today, when you make a comment on my Official James PoeArtistry sites like minds.com/pocbookscrypto; I will reply to you.

Writers and Professionals

I think about the many books and letters that must have been written over the years. You know the number has to be in the trillions. Persons like Mark Twain and William Shakespeare’s writings have contributed so much to human kind down to this day. What effect are their writings and letters having on you? I will go out on a limb and state for some of you Perceptive Readers, they are the reasons you became interested in poetry.

What about a letter from Grandma and Grandpa though? And how about those pen pal days? Your letters that were given and received — touched hearts!

Are you still creating; whether it be friendly or professionally, today via writing?

For the people you know who live long distances away, it is a serene way of keeping in touch. Granted, some people will say right away, “I just pick up the phone.”

Well, I’m just sharing with you interested readers, letters have a nuance all its own.

When you write a letter it is VERY intentional and PURPOSEFUL.

It requires more effort than a phone call for sure. I’ve known people who treasured a letter or two from persons who had returned in all the way (sleep in waiting) of the earth years later. Do you get the sense of this paragraph?

With the above spirit, when it comes to being a professional and establishing contractual relationships involving money; by all means get everything in writing.

When you are writing professionally it places important legal safe guards for you and the intended party.

Professional letters of agreement are BINDING even in the eyes of judges and The Grand Judge of All.

Are you using professional letters as a tool for your advantage in uplifting ways that will also help others? Remember, when you are receiving the fruits of your labor; it has been often natural to share such good things with others.

Caring is Sharing
Over the years, it has been a pleasure of mine to share selective interests with you. The interests involved more than my writings and links, but also the interest of others like musicians, singers, poets, and the professionals in many crafts.

At times, there is a focus on one talent here; a big brain thinker there. Just imagine when they have the brawn and brains; as it were — A Sage chuckle

Professional Topics in Drafts

My long time Perceptive Readers, I mentioned that October would be a month of writing for me. Yes, give me an early start with a pot of coffee on at least one day a week(end) and Oh MY, watch the words fly!

Don’t get me wrong, I write the other days as well, but they all do not involve a pot of coffee for the day. — A Sage chuckle

With the aforementioned knowledge, I want to share with you a couple of professional drafts that requests information from one professional to another.

Remember, these are just draft thoughts. Sometimes by placing a (friendly) face with the entity really helps to add a human touch to an otherwise huge conglomerate view of a structure.

Imagine addressing Hewlett-Packard; with a TS personality (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve_o2kq4_jY) in mind.
Also, imagine addressing the continental Microsoft with a DD personality (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vLOdzkIpz0) being the one opening and reading your letter? (Sorry Bill;… The Sage humor)

First Draft Hewlett-Packard

Phone Number

Dear Hewlett-Packard
Attention Pov letter reader: TS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve_o2kq4_jY)

Greetings, this letter is a request for information.

Subject: A formal contact and/or correspondence for laptop spec design.

You have many powerful and highly priced store models — which in my experience has over a 90% approval rating. I’m hoping through this feedback design/request; we will be able to attain over 100% customer satisfaction for my professional (entertainment as well) requirements.

Please direct this letter or me to the appropriate department head. I am particular or specialized in what is being requested from you, which requires the categorized following items to be the best:


Micro-Processor – Here is where I have additional questions on what your brand hardware will optimally run for the system? I would not want a chip-set placed in there that reports high capacity, but the hardware does not have the through-put maximum access capacity for the:
Video/audio creation in quality, compression and speed.

Terabyte Storage

Thank you for considering and passing along the above specifications in this area.

Added Considerations: Do you have a program for persons who beta-field test your next generation laptops? E.g. (You rotate them out each year with feedback/experience / reviews from the user?)

Signature Block
James Lynch Jr.
James PoeArtistry Productions (JPP)
E-mail jamespoeartistry@gmail.com
Phone Number (x) xxx – xxx- xxxx

Second Draft Microsoft
Phone Number

Dear Microsoft Team
Attention Pov letter reader: DD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vLOdzkIpz0)

This letter is to request information on the Windows 11 operating system. Your organization has greatly contributed to the world’s productivity and growth! The GUI (graphical user interface — 1985) created by the founders of the company may be considered more than a sheer stroke of genius; but inasmuch, an epoch for all time! Let’s face it; if we still had to use punch cards; and DOS screen input/output, then many would also still be using rotary phones. The Windows OS lit a match for aesthetics in technology advancements.

Therefore, here is my request for information on the Windows 11 OS: Is there a way to turn off all monitoring; some would say intrusive, of keystrokes, screenshots, etc? I feel confident you understand why I am asking for this information.

How can governmental agencies around the world be secure if there are back doors, so to speak, even in the group policy locked down of such systems?

Do you have an easy to read link to the white paper on the lockdown of such systems?… Unless, I am requesting something Windows 11 is no longer designed to do on the level that Windows 7 (I still feel it never went out of style) could be locked down with some surety in confidence. The scope of this letter as you can see is not to discuss the periodic security holes and viruses.

Thank you for considering this feedback and request for information: Do you have an easy to read link to the Windows 11 white paper on the lockdown of such systems?

Signature Block
James Lynch Jr.
James PoeArtistry Productions (JPP)
E-mail jamespoeartistry@gmail.com
Phone Number (x) xxx – xxx- xxxx

Perceptive Readers, have a pleasant fall season! – James PoeArtistry Productions