3, Mar 2020
Sage in a Matrix Introduction

Sage in a Matrix, Professional in a Matrix

This Article was repaired or refurbished on February Mar 2, 2020. It was originally posted on April 24, 2019 Check the site archive.today for verification of pocbooks.com online presence.

Sage In A Matrix

What? The world doesn’t work like that!
Have you ever been told, maybe by a person showing some frustration, the statement above?

Do you remember the thought or action you took in order for the friend or acquaintance to comment through his mind’s eye on the perceived inexperienced on your part?

You are not alone. Childhood is a time where we do a lot of learning along with commendation when we do right; and correction when we do wrong. Thus, by the time we grow into our young adult phase, we have seen the benefit of listening to our parent(s) experience in a large array of matters.

Then, months or years later, depending on your background and culture, you are told something that you’ve seen works, “does not work here”. It can be disconcerting to say the least.

It worked for your parents. Why is there a problem now?
You see, the above experience could possibly be one of those times when you have to take the contradictory statement with a “grain of salt.”

“But how will I know?”

That is such an important question you ask.

The purpose of this series is to answer such questions about professionalism and some business matters. This series is titled SAGE in a Matrix for the following reasons:

A sage is as a wise person. A philosopher loves knowledge but may still not know how to apply the general knowledge on one, or a host of subjects. Some sure love to talk about these topics though with a smile; as they soak in the knowledge of Einstein.- James PoeArtistry

For example, your parents will have taught you tried and proven application of specific topics in your environment with a sage’s skill. Yes, a skill you learned, no; made a part of you in honor and trust. You saw it works.

Now the person who just referenced your experience as naive can cause you to make a self assessment.

Does this person know what they are talking about or are they philosophizing?

There are times your professional career will hinge on being able to tell the difference.

This brings us to the term “A MATRIX

“A” meaning there is more than one “matrix,” or containment of backgrounds and cultures. You will find communication and professionalism exhibited in different ways with honor and trust. Though it requires extra effort, the key to success could be someone possessing sage like experience.

This series will talk about the fundamentals of contracts, standard operating procedures, and the ethics involved in the decision-making process. At times, you will hear me reference a spiritual Bible quote. Why? Because it is, as we say, part of me. And it is with such knowledge that has stimulated my thinking and reasoning over the years to maneuver through this world’s matrix.

In my experience, I have found most people are spiritual, spiritualistic, or both.


Well more on that subject in later chapters. Just how does it affect us in professional interactions? Or does it not affect us at all?

I will not be using any “blue language” as old timers used to say in this series; all the same, you will at times laugh at my wonderful, well-timed, witty, over the top, humor! While at other times, you may give me that look, “Oh, no he didn’t!” And my reply, “Yes, I did.”
But at the end of the day, you will be just fine. Just take an aspirin and call mother or a friend in the morning.

Keep this in mind. I’m not claiming to be a perfect sage (Adjectives: wise, sapient, judicious, prudent, sensible, sane mean having or showing sound judgment.), but I assure you I have known and worked with some of them in my life. In the next chapter, I will share some of my applicable skills and experience for a point of reference.

This way when I state something that makes you say “no he didn’t”, you can have confidence that I am able to offer context proof of why it is so. I do my utmost best not to be philosophizing over serious matters that will be life changing to you. I’m just sharing techniques and experience that can help you Perceptive Readers at least in one way, if not more. Ask some of the past highschool students who graduated with 4.0 GPA as readers of this website. Of course, they made those grades on their own.

I’m just sharing you are in cerebral (thinking) company as we say.

As it is, though, the choice is always yours to make in a matrix.

Sage in a Matrix Book Cover Sage in a Matrix Intro
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