James Poeartistry

Special Edition Yes you are.

For years:
I’ve called the regular listeners and readers to this website Perceptive Readers
Some of them were just as inquisitive as Leave it to Beaver
That series like Lassie and cartoons were a spell ago
But the way such shows could make you laugh and feel special was an effect every week don’t you know
Special and the word Edition often means there is something extra
The Perceptive Readers have shared there talents with the world in hopes of making it a little bit better
Each day valued as the gift of life it truly is from God.
When it comes to the creation us can you get anymore special that?
Us humans are the Special Edition on this earth and given dominion.
There is no reason to doubt what I am telling you today because its not just an opinion.
From horses to the domesticated animals and the wild ones in nature
The Grand Creator gave us his word for such authority which is binding beyond autographed paper.
Special Edition tell yourself this today
Be affirmative in your profession, love, joy, and freedoms spirit where you do not have to be in dismay.
You are a Special Edition

Season Number: 2024
Episode Number: 55

For educational & commentary purposes please place this in your Description:Perceptive Readers Podcast, Copyright 2010 – 2024 All Rights Reserved. Attribution to Product of Culture Author and Creator and Owner James Lynch; James Poeartistry Productions @pocbooks.com