Where No Man Has Gone Before

Where No Man Has Gone Before

Star Trek Commentary From A Child’s Vision on Booknet.com

An episode about extra sensory perception (esp) and immense power. In observing other television shows from the 60s, 70’s, and early 80s, mental powers that people could not explain were highlighted a lot in television shows.

Shows like That’s Incredible and comedy sitcoms introduced to the populace different understanding of esp. From the scientific, to fraud, and the spiritual.

With the above information in mind, this episode shows the progression of how the seed of power grows in the heart when it is not watered or tempered with an appreciation of ethical understanding for all human life. Some of you who have read the Graduation with a Poetry Flare; section: Story Creation Turns into Storytelling, book have made the connection between power and the heart. How it is exercised at times. Yes, human life in all its beauty and dwindling perceptions that can be viewed as a weakness in us. However, beauty is still in the eye of the beholder, so with the proper understanding of what life and human dignity is then persons can handle such power in a balanced way.

This episode, with Commander Mr. Gary Mitchel, is not one of them.

In the conversation Mr. Mitchel had with Captain Kirk while in the medical lab, he shares of a past university scheme, if you will, he orchestrated on Lieutenant Kirk at the time all those years ago. Hence, you can find out Mr. Mitchel already revealed a prankster side of him that he would carry out no matter what in order to complete his aims or goals in life. Pay close attention to their facial expressions and eyes during the conversation.

An individual of note for this episode is also Dr. Dana.