Reasons why many honorable persons do not go beyond what is written to preserve what is very much important for the healing of the nations (people).
For the record No one, especially in the True Christian congregation has no right to write up a contract to destroy another person’s life. The christian congregation was not designed to work in this way. Just read the book of James
For the record No one, especially in the True Christian congregation has no right to write up a contract to use gossip and slander to destroy friendships etc. The christian congregation was not designed to work in this way. Just read the book of James and Proverbs chapter 6
For the record No one, especially in the True Christian congregation has no right to write up a contract to try and set a precedence to gaslight (Being nosey is spoken against) a person into eternity. The True christian congregation was not designed to work in this way.
Are you striving to be a wonderful personality?