Dear Perceptive Readers,
January 16, 2024
When you name a child many hours of contemplation are given to it.

What’s in a name?

Think about the children who are named after parents and family members. With a pride, the good kind, you love the family last, surname, and even middle name. It depends on your background. You may not have a middle name. Some names have enough letters and symbols to represent your heritage. People will know the clan; as it were.

Then there are individuals who have changed their names all together.

It’s interesting when they tell you over a cup of coffee why they changed their name.
For the most part, we are proud of the name our parents gave us through the expression of their love.
Do you have a name picked from the “Good Book?”
I’m here to encourage you today to be happy with your name.
Is the name Moses?
What about Joshua?
Esther and Sarah are royal names in case you did not know.
Yes, they have proven to the Holy God that they love him.
God also loves them.
The name Noah has a story behind it. Have you heard it?

There are many names in the Good Book, have you ever thought that one day you would know as many people in your life as in the sacred scrolls?
One day you may have a child, where will the inspiration for the boy or girl’s name come from?

Before You Go

Previous Reading 14 James PoeArtistry — A Horse is a Gift
Do you like to give tips for coffee?

1 Timothy 5:18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.”

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The categories you will take note: light-hearted; Humor, Educational, Spirituality, Poetry

“Much More Quality of Life”

My mind, body, and spirit has been searched through by the True One himself; and he revealed to me a drop of his unfathomable; yet compelling LOVE

Best regards, James Lynch

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