James Poeartistry

Against The Current Memory Legends

He stated with no hesitation, We knew she was something special.

What a way to open up this article! Do you agree Perceptive Readers?

Welcome to these moments in ‘Against the Current’s music and performances milestone.’

Yes, this is what the article is all about today. We will gain insight into the quotes above. Chrissy Costanza in her excitement proclaiming ‘WORLDSSSSSSS BABYYYYYYYY’


No need to interview anyone else was the feeling.
Alex Seaver of Mako ( Songwriter and Producer)
Sebastien Najand ( Composer and Producer) Sept 22, 2017
Song: Legends Never Die

When the above two men heard Chrissy Costanza’s voice, they are the ones who stated “When we heard Chrissy’s voice, we knew there was something special right away.”

For sure, the voice, and who Chrissy is has moved many to state it the way this writer did in the opening of this of article: We knew she was something special.

The song is now not only synonymous with Worlds 2017; it is additionally known as an Against the Current and lead singer Chrissy Costanza outstanding achievement!

The words and music that embodies the soul going against the odds all his or her life. Time after time, they have to pick themselves up. For your reading and listening pleasure here is the link to the #Worlds2017 Making Of Legends Never Die | Worlds 2017 – League of Legends

Now that you have experienced the thrill of that performance, let’s take a walk down memory lane from Chrissy’s Instagram.

Words From The Verified Chrissycostanza Instagram
WORLDS 2020!

“I started playing League back in season 2. I was awful but just wanted to be able to hang out with all my friends that played but I very quickly fell in love with the game. At that time, I wouldn’t have imagined that a few years later ATC would be asked to record and perform the Worlds anthem in Beijing at the Birds Nest, an Olympic Stadium (!!) opening up Worlds 2017. I got to perform @alanwalkermusic’s massive hit Faded with him during the closing ceremony that day as well. Fast forward some more and I’m performing at Coachella for the first time with Alan, for his remix of Legends Never Die. But after all that I never would have dreamed that I’d get a part 2. In 2019, I almost back flipped when Riot asked me back to perform Phoenix for the 2019 Worlds. It was such an amazing experience, I watched all of Worlds while stuffing my face with croissants in Paris and got to perform in front of a custom @louisvuitton trophy case. Afterwards, I was super honored when Bilibili asked me to come perform Phoenix in China for their New Years celebration. I’m absolutely gutted that I won’t be able to attend Worlds this year for the 10th anniversary (shoutout Covid), but this time of year will always be so special to me and bring up so many of the best memories. This is the highlight reel but I can’t take for granted all of the smaller moments in between that were so fun, like getting to tobaggan down the Great Wall of China, or just meeting one of my best friends @_jakemcpherson. Thank you forever @riotgames @leagueoflegends for letting me be a part of 2 Worlds. I love this family, this community, and I sure as hell love this game (heart).”

Chrissy Costanza

Do You Remember…

2014 Infinity
2015 Gravity
2016 In Our Bones
2018 Past Lives

For each of you, by listening and reading about the reviews for the above Discography, the information relates just how deep this young band thinks about their experiences. Along with the song titles you will certainly find the lyrics are spot on as to the meaning and intent the band is thought-provokingly giving you as an individual and the international audiences Here is just one paraphrase statement made by ATC lead singer about the song Wasteland.

“Wasteland” is actually an analogy for the music business but it sounds like it’s about a bad relationship. It’s written like you’re almost on a drug trip with changing faces, slurring phrases and there’s this line, ‘You tell me take this, but I don’t want to wake up in your wasteland.’ Its basically about how you’ll get fed so much bullshit, especially being an artist. You’ll get people who’ll say we’ll make you this, we’ll make you that but if you take all that, you’ll wake up one day and all that will be gone and your career will be destroyed. You have to stay grounded and you have to stay sober.”

A Thinker A Singer A Beauty A Rocker

It’s nostalgia at times to look back and listen to music from just a few years ago. Just think about it, there are plenty of high definition concerts of Against the Current online with singing, audience participation, and of course Chrissy creating a new style of dancing every other show. Yes, the previous statement is said with a smile and chuckle.

In one interview, Chrissy actually said she couldn’t dance–Even her own mother wonders what she is doing sometimes; because her mother can dance.

All I’m going to say is this… You can really see Chrissy has rhythm; her musical mind when in full effect is light years ahead of her dance steps. Just one writer lighthearted opinion.

This is why one archived Product of Culture pocbooks.com website article is spoken of as Chrissy being a thinker, beauty, and rocker.

For your reference or memory flashback, you will appreciate these selected performances.

A) Against The Current – Running With The Wild Things (Live in London @ Bush Hall)

B) Against The Current: Strangers Again [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

C)“Beauty And A Beat” – Justin Bieber (Alex Goot, Kurt Schneider, and Chrissy Costanza Cover)

D) “Water Under The Bridge” – Adele (Against The Current Cover)
There is Something Special with this Band

So is there something special? It is a goodly matter to express at this time Chrissy Costanza,the lead singer , is very much one with Dan Glow (vocals & guitar), and Will Ferri (drums); forming Against the Current. What you have witness going on soon to be seven years is when even a small group of people get along what they can accomplish.

Words have meaning
Music has meaning
Against the Current has and continues to make both work for them, and inquiring minds to their beat, style, and yes; specific dance steps with a smile.