Perceptive Readers,
You Will Marvel At The Story Art Arc
From the thousands of dollars sculptures and art; to the magazines and comic stores $5.00 per issues in some cases; I have mused at such art for years. How about you?
I can see why these artists will spend days and weeks creating the perfect frames and sculptures. It all depends on the medium and what precisely they saw in the vision.
With our advancements in technology, it does not take long to produce art in its many forms. All the same, you will decide the experience for youself. “Some days you take the train and some days you need to take the plane”; I say.
A bus or train cross-country can bring you a lot of peaceful reading time. When was the last time you dove into a novel? Novel’s are meant to be enjoyed the same way you go to a theme park!
The Leader’s Greatest Return Attracting, Developing, and Multiplying Leaders by John C. Maxwell
Oh, you haven’t experienced this type of reading yet? Hey; think about what you enjoy in real life and find a novel with those characters — get back to me on this.
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Marie Digby Artist, Singer, Mother
Mariia Modeling clothing and world events